Subject: Strong enough to deadlift 470 lbs for 47 reps...

I use those specific numbers because that's exactly what I did for my 47th birthday yesterday!

(yes, that's my idea of fun).

Now, just to be clear up front, I didn't do 47 reps in a row, without stopping.

What I AM going to do, though, is tell you exactly HOW I did it and how YOU can use these same techniques to build a monster deadlift as well.

Here's what it looked like (click here to see the video).


1. Crotch Stuffer Deadlifts

Now, the first thing you might notice in that second picture is the rolled-up towel I have tucked into the lifting belt.

This is an AMAZING (but crazy-looking) technique that can literally and instantly add 30 to 50 pounds to your deadlift while actually feeling better on your lower back.

And this is not an exagerration. It works.

Essentially, it allows you to brace your core further out, which is a stronger position for bracing.

You can see a video explanation of how and why it works here.


2. Single Rep Cluster Training

The rep technique I used is called Single Rep Cluster Training. This is something I have in my Muscle Explosion program for building maximum strength.

You can use this with ANY big exercise you want to dramatically increase your strength in. It's incredibly effective.

You can read the full rundown of the technique here.

Basically, I'm doing single reps with 30 seconds rest in between. This gives you enough time to get some degree of recovery while still maintaining the nervous system activation from the previous rep.

As a practical outcome, it allows you to use near-maximal weights for lots of reps...which means massive gains in strength.

It's also fantastic for performance-related workouts like this.


3. The Equipment

The bar I'm using is called a Super Deadlift Bar. This is a very cost-effective trap bar that I've had for years.

I've got a full review of it on my site here.

I'm also using grip assistance in the form of a pair of lifting hooks, called Haulin Hooks. Hooks works WAY better than straps for heavy pulling and carrying exercises. They're faster to setup and don't slide or slip at all.

You can read my review of those here.

And I'm using a lifting belt from Dark Iron Fitness. I haven't done a review of that yet, but it's a great belt.

You can see the Dark Iron Fitness website here.


The Bottom Line

I wanted to post this not only to give you a practical guide on how to do stuff like this but to hopefully INSPIRE you as well...especially if you're over 40.

As I mentioned above, I just turned 47...and I did something that I've NEVER done before in my entire life, in terms of strength.

DO NOT think for a second that your best years are behind you.

That's only true if you let it be.

Do you have to make adjustments to your training as you get older? Absolutely. I don't train the same way I did when I was in my 20's and 30's.

I train smarter and I keep a better eye on my recovery.

And I don't do crazy stuff like this every day :).

But when I'm ready to turn it on, I know I've got the power to blow it up.

You're stronger and more capable than you think you are...


(And yes, if you want to see video proof of this workout, I've got the video here...the whole workout took me about 30 minutes. I sped the video up by 20X, so you don't have to sit through that long!)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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