Subject: Strength & Health gifts for you (last chance today)

Strength and Health Magazine was one of the earliest magazines devoted to fitness.

This magazine had information on powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding, nutrition and lifestyle. 

And the information, though published decades ago, still flat-out WORKS, if you want to get both lean and jacked at the same time.

So I've gotten together with a few of my fitness expert colleagues to do a special event around Strength and Health.

We've all contributed programs and workout routines in the old school theme, and you can get them for a limited time, totally free.

At the link below, you'll get:

  • "5x5 Hybrid Training" - A new school twist on Reg Park's classic 5x5 program from Forest Vance

  • "5 Do's and Don'ts to Maximize Muscle Growth”  - Discover the 5 hidden secrets for quickly unlocking lean muscle mass & stripping away pounds of fat for a true golden-era physique - while doing so naturally from Dean Hartwig

  • 5 "Old School" Conditioning Workouts – "Old School” Bodybuilders Knew How to Get Big, Strong and Lean WITHOUT Machines...YOU Can Too! from Nick Nilsson (me!)

  • Dad Strength: The Definitive Guide to Sustainable Fitness for Men in their 40's, 50's, 60's, and Beyond from Jon Haas

Get your 4 "Old School" Strength and Health gifts (free)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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