Subject: Stop doing these 3 DUMB things that are killing your fat loss
So, what do I mean when I say DUMB? Well,
a few things...
I mean that you, me, and the vast majority of people are
doing things we KNOW we shouldn’t do. Things that
ALSO happen to be very easy to avoid.
The worst part is, these are IMPORTANT things that we
need to address. And if we paid even half as much
attention to them as we do to supplements, or training or
the latest diet, we would ALL be fitter, sexier, and above
all, healthier.
Let’s get right into it and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Totally DUMB Fitness Mistake #1:
Not Drinking Enough Water
See what I mean? This is just dumb. And yet WE ALL do it.
Consider the fact that, according to a recent survey, more
2/3 of people don’t drink enough water for “optimal
hydration.” That’s over 66% of people who aren’t drinking
enough water to do the cool stuff I’ll talk about below.
But, if you want a really scary statistic, there’s this: another
survey showed that nearly 50% of people in Western
societies are drinking so little water that they would
medically qualify as “dehydrated.”
That’s just freakin’ crazy! HALF of people walking around
are not even drinking enough water to maintain proper
function of their various physiological systems!
It’s water! It’s there. It’s free. Just drink it.
I hope I don’t have to explain all of the reasons that wate
r is so important, but I’ll give you a few. Obviously, water
is the most vital fluid in your body; if you want to use the
analogy of a car, water’s not just the gasoline—it’s also
the oil, brake fluid, and anti-freeze.
Having a properly hydrated system helps with digestion
and makes you more capable of breaking down and
absorbing nutrients. It also aids with bowel movements
by preventing constipation. In turn, the increased rate of
excretion, which helps flush toxins out of the body.
As far as your fitness goals? Staying hydrated helps
in so many ways that it’s impossible to list them. But, a
few of the big ones…
Firstly, metabolism: when you’re dehydrated, things
slow down (partially for conservation); on the on the
other hand, if you’re hydrated, metabolism stays
Secondly, performance: hydrated muscles contract
more efficiently; as a result, your workouts will be more
productive, and more intense, and each and every
rep will actually burn more calories.
So: water will make sure your body is functioning well,
keep your immune system healthy, AND help you burn
more fat.
Oh, and did I mention it’s free?
As for how much to drink: I recommend drinking one liter
per 50 pounds of body weight, for people who exercise.
So, if you’re a woman who weighs between 100 and
150 pounds, drink at least two liters of water a day. If
you’re a 200-pound man, drink four.
This is 2 liters. That’s it; just four little bottles. Start here
and work your way up.
Again, these are pretty basic recommendations, but
they’re easy to follow, and extremely effective for
maintaining hydration. Obviously, your goal should be
to drink more, but this is a good start.
Totally DUMB Fitness Mistake #2:
Not Getting Enough Sleep
I know, I know, you’re heard this one before, right?
Well, if you’ve heard it, and you know it’s terrible for
you, why are you still not getting enough sleep?
For the same reason I’m not: you’re a smart person
who does dumb things. But of all of them, this might
be the worst.
You know sleep is important, but do you know HOW important?
Well, for starters, lack of sleep is associated with:
- Higher levels of body fat
- Frequent hunger
- Lower lean body mass (muscle)
- Irritability
- Higher stress
- Earlier death
And it’s not just how long you sleep, but the quality of your
sleep that’s directly correlated to improving your life, health,
and body.
There are numerous studies showing links between poor
sleep and diseases such as hypertension and diabetes
(as well as shorter lifespan), there is also the problems
that lack of sleep causes in your day-to-day life.
Put simply, lack of sleep ruins your ability to function: you
have trouble concentrating, remembering information,
driving, taking care of your finances, and performing your job.
If that weren’t bad enough, there are some hormonal problems:
it’s been found that sleeping less than 6 hours per night for as
little as two weeks will lower testosterone and growth
hormone, and raise cortisol.
The net effect of this hormonal storm is that you will have a
VERY easy time gaining fat, and a very hard time losing it.
So, if you want to have trouble focusing and die earlier, all
while sabotaging your fitness efforts…by all means, keep
thinking you’re “fine” with just 5 hours per night.
And TRUST ME, I am just as guilty of going to bed too late
or thinking I can catch up on the weekend.
But that is DUMB. And I want to stop being dumb.
Of course you may not always be able to get seven or eight
hours of sleep per night, even under the best of
circumstances. Now, look. I get it. You’re busy. So am I.
But, let’s be honest: you’re not that busy. Not all the time,
anyway. So, “busy” isn’t an excuse every day.
Let’s talk about how to fix this…
Take a hard look at the end-of-evening activities you can
cut out to get to bed an hour earlier. Do you really need to
check Facebook again? Is it imperative catch up on ESPN
right now? Of course you don’t. So, well…maybe just don’t?
But, that’s kind of a superficial way to look at things. I want
to give you something REAL. Something I got from my buddy
John Romaniello, a New York Times bestselling fitness
author. It’s something I’ve been using, and it’s working well.
Here’s the strategy Roman gave me—a fun exercise for
you to do over the next two weeks that should help. A little
challenge, if you will.
For the next week, record the time you go to bed. Don’t
actually try to change it; just record it. Keep a little pad by
your bed and just record the time you went to bed. Over the
next 7 days, your only job is to record when you climbed
into bed.
Now, take the average of those times. If your weekday and
weekend times are drastically different because of social
stuff, exclude the weekends; just average 5 weekdays.
Once you have your average bedtime, the challenge begins:
for the next 2-3 weeks, make it your goal to climb into bed
15 minutes earlier than that average. That’s it. Just 15
minutes. All you need to do is start by shaving 15 minutes
off your day at the end of the night.
While that won’t add up to much in terms of sleep time,
you’ll begin to build the habit of getting to bed earlier; more
importantly, you’ll realize that you are the one in control of
when you go to sleep, not the outside world.
Make that happen.
Not sleeping is DUMB, because it is killing us. And making
us sick. And keeping us soft, and fat, and grumpy.
So let’s get more sleep, okay?
(Also – it’s free!)
Totally DUMB Fitness Mistake #3:
Negative Self-Talk
Yeah, this one is a bit outside the box compared to the other
two, but it’s probably even more important, so I really want
you to listen.
The unfortunate truth is that the majority of us say some
pretty hurtful things about ourselves. We disguise how
damaging this is by acknowledging, “Everyone does it.”
We say that everyone is their own worst critic, as if that
makes it okay. That isn’t the case. It’s one thing to try to be
objectively critical about yourself; it’s another thing to
subjectively abuse yourself.
And that is what so many of us do. Heck, I’m guilty. I tend
to disguise this with humor.
But I want you to really understand what I’m talking about.
I’m not going to get all “woo woo” on you but there is a ton
of hard, scientific data that categorically proves that
what we say to ourselves about ourselves tends to inhibit
our ability to advance, grow, change, or be happy.
If you say, “I would like to lose 5 pounds to fit into this dress,”
that is an objective goal framed with an objective reason.
And that’s okay.
What’s not okay is the underlying invisible script that many
of us will be experiencing: “How awful am I for not being
able to lose 5 crummy pounds? I’m so terrible for skipping a
workout or not sticking to my diet. I don’t deserve to have
a nice body and I don’t deserve to be happy.”
Now, we don’t all come right out and SAY that (although
some people do), but for many of us, that feeling is running
just below the surface. Obviously, it makes us feel miserable.
But did you know it’s also keeping you miserable AND
keeping you fat?
You see, self-talk reinforces our own perceptions of our
reality, like a self-fulfilling prophecy: you keep telling yourself
that it’s your fault that you can’t lose 5 pounds, and that you
don’t deserve to lose 5 pounds, and whatever else.
One result is that you believe it, and subconsciously align
your behavior accordingly: It becomes even HARDER to
stick to a diet and even EASIER to skip workouts.
Not only that, but there are ACTUAL physiological/
hormonal/metabolic consequences that ensure fat
loss is harder. I’ll
get to those in a minute…
The important thing is, we construct a cycle of beating
ourselves up. Which is something we have all done, and
something I think we can admit is (for lack of a better term)
pretty dumb.
Shawn Achor, a Harvard educated researcher and bestselling
author in the field of positive psychology talks about this in
his books. Very simply “perception is reality” – and if you want
to change the reality, you often have to start with changing the
In other words, if we want to lose 5 pounds, we have to realize
that losing 5 pounds isn’t the key to happiness. And it’s not
the key to worthiness. Instead, we need to focus on cutting
out the self-hate we think all the time.
There are exercises to do this, but before I talk about that,
here’s the key: once you are able to actively change your
perception, you’ll begin to see that while losing 5 pounds
won’t necessarily make you happy...being happy will make
it possible to lose those 5 pounds.
Perception is reality, so change the perception, right?
And you want to know the CRAZY part?
As I mentioned earlier, avoiding negative self-talk with actually
help you lose fat on a PHYSIOLOGICAL level. I mean that in
the most literal way possible.
You see, when you constantly say these things about yourself,
you create a negative mindset, which leads to a negative
hormonal environment…one that can make it nearly
impossible to lose fat, whether it’s 5 pounds or 50.
How does this happen? Well, you’ve heard of hormones like
cortisol—it’s a stress hormone that just so happens to
contribute to fat storage (specifically, belly fat). Negative
self-talk drastically increases the production of cortisol,
forcing your body to hold onto fat, and in the places where
you hate it most.
On the other hand, if you have more positive thoughts, there
is an IMMEDIATE, positive hormonal reversal. Cortisol goes
down, helping you lose fat; and growth hormone (which helps
you not only lose fat, but also improves your skin, hair,
energy levels and general look/feel of youthfulness) increases
This happens in part because cultivating a positive
mindset stimulates the releases of dopamine and
serotonin: two “feel good” hormones responsible for feelings
of pleasure and overall well-being, respectively.
When you increase dopamine and serotonin and keep them
elevated with consistent exercises, a healthy diet and a
positive mental outlook, fat loss is exponentially easier.
So, I think you can say when I say that negative self-talk is a
really, really damaging and “dumb” thing we ALL do, I really
mean it.
Unlike the other things we do, this isn’t as simple as “well just
stop treating yourself like crap.” Unlike drinking water or
getting more sleep, the fix here is not as obvious as we’d like.
But there IS a way to fix this, and make your entire life—not to
mention your fitness goals—smoother and happier. And, in
fact, part of it is tied to fitness. Or should be.
If you’ve been reading health related stuff for a while, it should
be obvious to you that all of this “mindset” stuff is the MOST
overlook, underrated, under-addressed aspect of how we
approach trying to get fit, healthy, and change our lives in
Which is pretty terrible, because as we just covered, it is
really, REALLY important.
So why aren’t coaches talking about it? Simple: most
understand it, or how to fix it. Most…but not all.
Over the past several months, I’ve reading the work of my
friend Neghar Fonooni. Neghar is a world-class fitness and
lifestyle coach, and a lot of what she does is actually helping
women restructure their relationships with themselves.
According to Neghar, who has helped thousands of women
overcome negative self-talk, there are a lot of very simple,
actionable strategies to help you take control of and FIX
your negative self-talk, and the effects it has on your body.
And, perhaps most excitingly, these exercises don’t have to
be time consuming, and you don’t need to stop everything
else in your life to do them. If you find the right coach—like
Neghar—they are actually BUILT IN to an already awesome
health & fitness program.
Let me explain what I mean.
Just today, Neghar released her brand new program,
Lean & Lovely. It’s a complete body, mindset, and lifestyle
transformation system specifically for women. Sure, it
focuses on fat loss, and helps your learn how to eat. But
the rest is what’s really important.
Lean & Lovely isn’t just about getting fit. Even though it has
12 weeks of amazing, fat-burning workouts, that isn’t the
only benefit. And even though there’s an entire nutrition
handbook that will help you lose fat without dieting, that’s
not even the half of it.
In addition to all of that, there are the Lean & Lovely mindset
exercises. You see, L&L is broken up into 3 phases. Each
phase has a different focus in terms of training, nutrition,
and mindset.
The mindset components are incredible, as well as
amazingly helpful. You have exercises to do that help
you overcome negative self-talk. Exercises that help you
become aware of when you’re doing it. And strategies
to help you keep it from overcoming you, allowing your to
get down on yourself, and prevent you from sabotaging
In the Lean & Lovely mindset sections, Neghar talks
about things like journaling to create awareness,
strategies for “detaching” from the thought, and taking
control of your unspoken dialogue with yourself.
It’s really, really powerful stuff.
That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about Lean & Lovely.
Because Neghar is one of the ONLY fitness professionals
I have ever met that not only realizes how important an
intentioned, positive mindset is to your overall health,
fitness, and happiness…but who also goes out of her
way to make it a part of everything she does. Which is
just one of the many reasons L&L is so special.
And the best part is…for this week only Lean & Lovely is on
sale for 50% OFF to celebrate the launch.
For less than HALF PRICE, you can pick up this amazing
new program that will help address, change, and improve
every single aspect of your life.
We’re not just talking about a typical fitness program
here: we’re talking about a program specifically designed
to for a complete body, mind and lifestyle transformation
So, YES, Lean & Lovely does have 12 weeks of incredible
workouts that will help you lose fat. In fact, some of the
women you’ll see on the L&L website lost 20, 30, or even
40 pounds while building shapely curves.
And YES, Lean & Lovely does have an incredible nutrition
program. But as you’ll see on the website, it will also
teach you how to burn fat and lose weight without dieting.
OF COURSE Lean & Lovely comes with all the bells and
whistles you’d come to expect from a world class coach
like Neghar: instructional exercise videos, bonus workouts,
progress tracking sheets, and all that cool stuff. But it’s
not just about having a lot of cool features—it’s about
making real and lasting progress.
All of that…plus it’s on sale for 50% off until Friday at midnight.
It really doesn’t get any better than that.
…look, there are a lot of “dumb” things we ALL do that
inhibit our fitness goals. And some of these have really
simple fixes.
So let’s just decide, together, that we’re going to stop
dumb, and drink more water, get more sleep,
and be more active.
But some of these “dumb” things aren’t easy fixes, and we
need a little help from people who’ve been there, and
come through stronger. So let’s also agree to stop trying
to hate ourselves to better bodies.
Neghar and Lean & Lovely are here to help us do just that.
And I really, really hope you’ll do as I’ve done, and accepted
her help.
I know that it will make a world of difference in your body,
your mind, and your life. And that’s what I want for you.
Because you really do deserve it.
And deep down, you know that.
=> Grab Lean & Lovely for 50% off --- training, nutrition,
and mindset all in one place
Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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