Subject: Starting Monday Diet FAQ (and LAST chance to get it for dirt cheap!)

The Starting Monday questions?

I've got answers!

I've had a lot of questions come in about the program and wanted to make sure I got those answered for you right away since there's only a few hours left to grab your copy for dirt cheap (9 bucks).

Click here to go grab it now, or read on to get your questions answered...


1. Do I have to take supplements on this program?

Answer: can certainly take them if you want (and they can be helpful), but it's definitely not necessary to take supplements. As well, if you're already taking supplements, it's very easy to add them into this program.


2. Am I going to have to eat any weird foods that I don't like?

Answer: What you eat is 100% up to you. While there ARE specific dietary guidelines you're going to have to follow in order to make the program work, there's nothing crazy that you have to eat, if you don't want to.


3. What if I have health conditions such as diabetes or digestive system issues? Can I still use this program?

Answer: Probably yes, but I would definitely recommend you consult with your physician before using this plan. I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist and I don't know your personal state of health or nutrition, therefore I can't make any specific dietary recommendations for you. That being said, if your doctor gives you the go-ahead, you'll likely find this approach helps you improve your health substantially!


4. I just want to lose fat...I'm not concerned about building muscle or strength...will this diet plan make me look like a bodybuilder?

Answer: Not at all. The only way you'd like like a bodybuilder is if you also TRAIN like a bodybuilder. I came up with this diet plan to allow myself to lose fat fast while maintaining muscle mass, strength and athletic performance. It works great for that...but if you just want to lose some fat, it works GREAT for that, too.


Click here to grab your copy of The Starting Monday Diet now!


5. Do I have to follow the meal plans that are included?

Answer: Nope. You definitely don't. I've included those to give you a better idea of the things you CAN eat while you're using this approach. They're very helpful, but you can absolutely eat the foods you like (and that fit into the structure of the program).


6. Do I have to get into ketosis to make this work?

Answer: You don't. If you're on a standard "keto" diet, you would have to...with this approach, while there are periods of carb restriction, the goal isn't to get you into ketosis...the goal is to bring down your calorie intake in a way that's actually pretty easy to do without making you crazy hungry.


7. Do I need to workout on this diet plan?

Answer: Nope! While I do recommend exercise on any diet program, it's not a requirement. The book does include my suggestions on what types of training you can do to take advantage of the nutritional states your body will be in during the week, but working out is not necessary for this plan to work.


8. Do I have to do fasting when I'm the program?

Answer: While Intermittent Fasting IS included in the program, you don't 100% have to do it, if you have issues that prevent you from doing it (e.g. you get blood sugar or digestive issues, or you work a physical job where fasting would throw you off too much).


9. What if the program doesn't work for me or if I don't think it's a good fit me?

Answer: No problem! Just let me know you'd like a refund and I'll put that through for you right away. You have a full 60 days to make that decision, which is plenty of time to give the diet plan a solid test.


Get your copy of the Starting Monday Diet here...


If you're happy with your current dietary plan, no problem...keep doing it!

However, if you're open to testing out a different that has the potential be a real gamechanger for YOU, you owe it to yourself to grab a copy of this and have a look.

There's only a few hours left for you to grab it for just 9 bucks before the price more than doubles.

Go grab your copy now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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