Subject: Squatting Dumbbell Side-to-Sides... KILLER core exercise...

This exercise is going to work two functions of the core at once and VERY strongly...your bracing core strength and your anti-rotational strength.

Your legs will be targeted isometrically, maintaining your body position, while you shift a heavy dumbbell from one leg to the other, which will put MASSIVE loading on the core (working the bracing/anti-flexion function of the core).

As well, each time you shift the weight from one side to the other, you're engaging those deep, anti-rotational muscles of the core to maintain body position as you shift the load to the other side.

It's a perfect exercise for martial arts or athletics because of how it works with "weight shifting." As an athlete or combat athlete, you need to know how to move people or not be moved yourself. This exercise helps train your core to strengthen that specific function while it also teaches you how to react to that shifting weight and balance yourself while exerting maximum force.

To do this one, all you need is a dumbbell. I'm using a 125 lb dumbbell but I would recommend you start lighter to get an idea of how to do it properly and gauge your core strength at the same time. You can work up in weight from there. You DO want to work up to relatively heavy weight on this one in order to really challenge your core muscles.

Take a "baseball bat" grip on the dumbbell, squat down with a fairly wide stance, then set it on end on one thigh, just about the knee.

Now, engage the core strongly (you'll likely want to hold your breath, especially with a heavy weight) and lift the dumbbell slightly off your thigh and shift it over to the other leg. The dumbbell doesn't need to be lifted very high...just slightly high enough to take it off your leg.

Keep your elbows bent and keep the dumbbell in fairly close to your body, especially with heavier weights.

Most of the rotation should happen in the upper half of your torso. You want to strive to maintain a solid, unmoving lower torso (i.e. core) and just rotate from the upper part of your body, in through the shoulders. There will be some rotation in the core, but our goal is to minimize it.

Set it completely down on your other leg, relax the core, take a breath, then shift it back to the other leg.

Then just repeat...going back and forth between legs, while maintaining that bottom squat position (just slightly over parallel), until your core pretty much gives out.

This could be 4-6 reps each way or more, depending on how heavy you go. If you start to lose good position in your lower back and your core starts folding forward, that's your signal to end the set.

Here's the side view.

As you can see, you want to keep a fairly upright torso as you're doing it, while maintaining an arch in the lower back. This is good positioning to really work the bracing function of the core.

That's all there is to it.

It's extremely simple to do and requires very little equipment to really work the core (and legs) HARD. It's a great functional exercise for athletes and anybody else who wants a stronger, more resilient core that can manage heavy weight transfers easily.

Watch the video of this exercise in action here (2 minute video)


Click here to see 6 more killer core exercises like this!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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