Subject: Squatting Cable Curls - with video demo

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, just a quick exercise email here for you today. I
actually posted this exercise a few months back, but at the time
I didn't have video for it.

Well, I FINALLY got my act together and processed the video that
I shot pretty much the day after I sent that out and had 20 people
ask me where the video was for it...

Here it is!

I've got the full rundown on the exercise there, too, and with

This is a GREAT cable curl exercise for the biceps...the unique
positioning forces a big stretch at the bottom, then as you roll
your arms over your knees, a HUGE contraction at the top (with a
description like that, can't imagine why you'd need a video :)

Anyway, check it out and try it out and let me know how you like it!


P.S. If you haven't yet done so, so be sure to subscribe to my YouTube
Channel and friend me up on Facebook and Twitter! I post all kinds
of cool stuff to those that doesn't always get sent out via email here.

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