Subject: Sorry, forgot to mention this earlier and it's important...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, I have to apologize as I totally spaced out this afternoon
and forgot to mention this...

When you pick up Mike Westerdal and Elliott Hulse's new "Lean
Hybrid Muscle Reloaded" program TODAY only (Feb 8th), they're
kicking in a couple of very worthwhile "fast action" bonuses.

1. A free 90-minute group coaching call to everyone that orders
their program today. You'll have time to look over the material
and than speak directly to the authors with any of your

2. VIP tickets to their Hybrid Muscle Seminar where you can
experience first hand a live "personal training" session with
Elliott & Mike in sunny Tampa Bay, FL this fall.

You'll also meet up with some of your favorite trainers, coaches
and authors as they present on their area of hybrid training
expertise (I might try and get down for that myself, actually -
was just in Tampa this past weekend and MAN does it beat Chicago
weather ;).


And don't forget...

MY BONUSES: When you pick up Lean Hybrid Muscle through one of
the tracking links in this email, I'll send you "The Best
Fat-Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and "The Best Core
Strength Exercises You've Never Heard Of," neither of which are
currently even for sale.

When you purchase Lean Hybrid Muscle, just forward your receipt
to and we'll hit you back with the download
link for those two books. And remember, this offer is ONLY
available when you grab it through one of the links in this


The program is excellent and well worth picking up a copy,
especially while it's cheap for the next few days.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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