Subject: Sorry! You were supposed to get this yesterday...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, just real quick, I had actually wanted to send this out to
you yesterday but was out of the office all day travelling from
sunny and warm Phoenix back to sunny and warm Chicago... (hard to
convey sarcasm in the written word sometimes... ;)

So what I had wanted to do was to give you a quick rundown about
the mechanics of how that "21 Day Fast Mass" program (and my
Muscle Explosion program, for that matter) work.

And I had wanted to do it yesterday, because TODAY is actually the last
day it's going to be available for the cheaper launch price of 60
bucks off (here's the link if you want to go check it out now):


Anyway, better late than never, right! I'm a BIG fan of this type
of "strategic rebound" type of training. When you subject your
body to extremes (in a strategic manner, of course...not just
random blasts of stupidity), you keep it from ever adapting fully
to any one thing.

I can honestly say, in my 20+ years of training, I've found the
biggest key to success is that you have to really push your body
to where it's uncomfortable. THAT is where the real results are.
And the more time you can spend in that uncomfortable zone, the
better the results you'll get. When you're on autopilot, you're
NOT going to make appreciable progress.

For the FASTEST results, I've found the greatest swings in
caloric intake, nutrient types and training volume/intensity will
yield the biggest leaps forward. It means literally FORCING your
body to adapt and dictating the terms of it's surrender :).


Essentially, what you're going to be doing is depriving your body
of nutrients and beating it down with hard training. You're going
to be doing a strict week of fat-loss training and eating. Over
the course of the week, you're going to give your body the idea
that it's hit a famine and food is scarce.

And your body's natural reaction to famine is to clamp down on
the metabolism in order to preserve life. This clamping down sets
the stage for the "feast" phase.

Once the famine is over and you start the feast, your body's
natural reaction is to madly store up all the nutrients it can,
in case it doesn't get much food again for awhile. It releases
floods of muscle-building hormones (insulin and test.) in
response to this surplus of nutrients, making it the PERFECT time
to hit your body with mass-targeted training.

To give you an idea, when I do this type of training, I generally
hit about 1200 to 1500 calories per day on the fat-loss phase and
5000+ calories on the mass phase.

In my experience, the results you can get with this "slingshot"
type of training can be nothing short of spectacular, in terms of
strength and body composition, especially if you really put some
serious effort and discipline into it.

The extremely anabolic environment created by the rebound from
very low-calorie to very high-calorie allows for relatively easy
increases in muscle mass in very short periods of time...12 lbs
of muscle in 21 days? If you include the water weight of the
muscle, yep, absolutely possible.

We're basically tricking your body into putting on muscle mass
and it does it like clockwork.

In Vince and Lee's "21 Day Fast Mass" program, you'll be doing 1
week of diet, followed by 2 weeks of caloric overload. This is a
good range that will help you take full advantage of the hormonal
rebound pattern while minimizing fat gain.

They've included a number of versions of the training program,
including a nice bodyweight version that you can do at home (or
on the road, if you're travelling and want to still do this

In my Muscle Explosion program, I also use a 1 week diet phase,
but I follow it with a 3 week caloric overload phase. The reason
for this is that in addition to this "slingshot" effect, I also
add in a controlled overtraining type of training schedule. Week
2 is incredibly high-volume (300+ sets of one target exercise),
and weeks 3 and 4 and lower volume, giving your body a chance to
recover before you start the diet phase again.

And again, keep in mind if you pick up the "21 Day" program
through the link in this email, I'll send you a complimentary
copy of my Muscle Explosion program (or my Best Mass Exercises
book) so you can see exactly what I'm talking about (send your
receipt to for your download link).

So that's the basic deal!

"21 Day Fast Mass" is an excellent program based on sound science
and is gym-proven. I've been using this style of training off and
on for probably about 15 years and it's absolutely the most
productive type of training I've worked with. I give it top

And Lee and Vince have really done a nice job of taking out all
the guesswork in terms of how to structure your own training and
eating as you go through the phases.



P.S. Remember, this all goes away tonight at midnight (the
cheaper price and my Muscle Explosion or Best Mass Exercises
offer), so if you're thinking about it, definitely jump on this,
read through it and make your decision from there (they have a
full 60 day money-back guarantee).

Also, if you go to the site and want to check out the program for
a lower trial price, when you close the main page, just hit the
"cancel" button on the window that comes up and you'll be able to
take advantage of that trial offer. I'll still throw in either of
my books if you do it that way :)


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