Subject: Something I RARELY do...use somebody ELSE'S program instead of my own...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

And that program is Mike Westerdal and Elliott Hulse's new "Lean
Hybrid Muscle Reloaded" program (which they've just relaunched
today for 50% off and for which I've got a couple of cool
exclusive bonuses lined up for you...see #3 below).


So here's why I'm going to use their program...

I'm just in the process of finishing up the second cycle of my
own Mad Scientist Muscle program...I've done really well with it
so far and gained about 25 reasonably lean pounds of bodyweight
in the past 4 months.

I've got 2 more cycles to go through and I want to do a brief
cardio/fat-loss cycle to keep myself in better overall shape (you
gain muscle more efficiently when you don't let your bodyfat
levels get too high - I made that mistake when I first started

I was talking with Mike about the program on Sunday and I really
like what he had to say about the direction he and Elliott took
with it...I LOVE the training techniques in it and the diet part
is right in line with what I already recommend in my own
Metabolic Surge program and what I know WORKS, so I'm sold.

Their full program is 12 weeks, though I'm probably going to do
about 3 weeks on it before I start on my next cycle of Mad
Scientist Muscle.

Lean Hybrid Muscle is a "muscle-building fat-loss program," so to
speak, which is exactly what I'm looking to do right now.

Rather than give you the full rundown on it in this email, click
through any of the links in this email and I'll let Mike and
Elliott explain it all in this's interesting stuff:



#1. In their original program, there were a lot of exercises that
required specialized training equipment, which obviously not
everybody has access to. In this version, they've focused on
exercises that can be done in a typical gym. So don't worry about
needing tractor tires or sledgehammers (I don't have all that
stuff either)...this is all gym-based training.

#2. Meals plans are included...this is a macronutrient-rotation
type of approach to diet, which I am a HUGE fan of and which is
another big reason why I'm going to use their program.

#3. MY BONUSES: I'm kicking in TWO bonuses for you when purchase
Lean Hybrid Muscle through one of the tracking links on this
page..."The Best Fat-Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and
"The Best Core Strength Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

When you purchase Lean Hybrid Muscle, just forward your receipt
to and we'll hit you back with the download
link for those two books. And remember, this offer is ONLY
available when you grab it through one of the links in this


Bottom line, it's excellent stuff and well worth picking up a
copy, especially since they're relaunching it at 50% off.

And I just have to add, Mike and Elliott really do walk the walk
with this stuff...Mike competes in bench press competitions and
hit a 600 lb lift last year and Elliott competes in pro-level
Strongman competitions.

Check it all out here:



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