Subject: Some great fat-loss info for you...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

First off, happy Labor Day! I ate such a huge breakfast this
afternoon (yeah, you read that right...afternoon) that I felt
like I was going into labor, so I guess that qualifies... :)
...and that really has nothing to do with fat loss!

So I've got a quick link for you - it's a presentation from Dr.
Kareem Samhouri on his neurologically-based fat loss system.

I've had the chance to read through the program and work with Dr.
K on a few occasions. I have to say, the guy REALLY knows what
he's talking about and his concepts about how the body stores fat
and WHY it stores fat really make a lot of sense.

Most importantly, his theories give you concrete methods you can
put to work to lose fat the neighborhood of up to 5 lbs
in the first week.

When you correct the physiological reasons your body is needing
to store fat (and it could be something like protecting joints
due to structural imbalances - your body pads the joints with fat
to protect them...take away the imbalance and the fat is no
longer needed), you can drop excess fat very efficiently.

This is VERY good stuff...totally worth checking out, when you
get a few minutes.





P.S. Just fyi, when you go to either of these pages, you'll have
the opportunity to pick up his fat-loss program for 66% off the
regular price. He's got that going until Sept 10th so definitely
check out the stuff this week!

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