Subject: Some good fat-loss info, especially for beginning trainers...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, just a quick one for you some interesting
fat-loss info for you.

This approach is unique in that it actually targets increased
nervous system activation an effort to boost fat loss. I've not
had a chance to dig too much into the approach to see if it fully
holds water, but the creator (Dr. Kareem Samhouri) has apparently
seen very good results, even with people who have a hard time with
"normal" training, so I'd say it's worth a look.


On this page, you'll be able to sign up to get a free fat loss
workout immediately & gain access to an NBC news segment that
covers his "nervous-system-based" fat loss technique.

Just fyi, this is a run-up to his main program release in a
couple of weeks, but definitely take advantage of the free info
you'll get from him in the meantime!


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