Subject: "Sneak" 5 easy pounds of muscle onto your body in 3 weeks...

Are you training TOO hard to build muscle?

For real.

I know that sounds weird and wrong...but it might be EXACTLY what's stopping you from building the maximum mass that you're actually capable of building, especially if you're over 40.

Most programs are based on intensity and gut-wrenching effort. And that CAN work great... for awhile. Heck, I love hard training, too!

However, you WILL get to the point where that high level of effort you're putting in will actually start working against you.

High-intensity training, especially if you do it too long, sets off a FLOOD of catabolic hormones (like cortisol) that can chew up your muscle mass while your body struggles to recover from the training.

This leaves you open to growth and strength plateaus and... even worse... injuries that can set you back months or even years.

There IS another way...

And if you're used to hammering yourself into the ground with your workouts, THIS style of training will actually feel WAY too start with...but it WORKS.

You're going to experience a STUNNING leap forward in muscle growth when your body no longer has to fight to recover.

When your body is finally able to free up more resources for recovering and actually building muscle, the new mass will start PILING on.

If you want to build muscle and strength...literally like clockwork...or if you're training with limited or even NO equipment right now, this approach is exactly what you need.

You can use it with just about ANY equipment you've got...including bands, free weights, machines...and even bodyweight... or even a suitcase full of cat food.

Discover how you can create an near-unstoppable surge of new muscle growth in your body even while using little to no training equipment!

The program that does is my Time-Volume Training program...

And right now, you can get it on sale for 50% off the regular price (for just a few days only).

I'll be posting some sample workouts over the next few days, if you want to try it out before you pick it up.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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