Subject: Sleep better on Night 1 with supplements, no drugs.

If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, you're going to be very interested in this.

It's called WholeTones and (spoiler alert) it DOES work.

After extensive testing, I DO feel a difference in how I sleep.

That being said, it's my wife who did the REAL testing...she has real issues staying asleep.

She'll fall asleep easily then her eyes snap open 2 hours later and she'll stare at the ceiling for 2 more hours before falling asleep again.

For years, she's had to sleep with the TV on to try and turn off her overactive brain.

That, of course, is not ideal, as the sound and light of the TV don't allow for very restful sleep.

This creates a vicious cycle of crashing out on the sofa because she's so tired, then dragging upstairs to go to bed...which then wakes her up so she can't sleep when she's actually in bed.

The WholeTones sleep machine helped with that a LOT...she's been able to stay asleep and get better overall sleep, which is a gamechanger.

And right now, you will save an extra 10% and get Free Shipping (US Only) when you use the code FREESHIP23!

I can't say it cured all her sleep issues...when she's super stressed, even the most restful sleep sounds don't fully shut her brain off.

But it's helped a LOT.

And if you have issues like this where you find your brain needs something in the background to help you shut down for the night, this is exactly what you need.

The small speaker/player is really easy to use...and it'll run all night on repeat so you're never without that soothing background music.

Bottom line, if you have sleep issues, this is DEFINITEY worth a try. I highly recommend it.

(save an extra 10% and get Free Shipping (US Only) when you use the code FREESHIP23)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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