Subject: Six-pack abs and DEEP core exercise...

The Abdominal Rollout is one of the best overall exercises you can do for targeting your six-pack abs (rectus abdominis) and the deep muscles of your core (the internal and external obliques and transverse abdominis/TVA).

Beyond the obvious visual benefits of getting a set of six-pack abs, strengthening your core in this fashion helps with reducing your back pain, improving your athletic performance and even getting you a smaller, tighter waist.

I've got a variation of this basic movement for you that's going to increase the work on those deep muscles of your core (obliques and TVA). These are the anti-rotational muscles that work to prevent the abdominal area from twisting.

All you need for this one is a small training band and something to do the rollout on. I'm using a product called the Extreme Ab and Arm Wheel in the demo (that links to my review of it).

You can also do these with a variety of other pieces of equipment...including an Ab Wheel, a dolly, a roller skate, a skateboard, or even a barbell using a couple of plates for wheels.

If you need bands (and you will need one for this exercise), go HERE.

The link will take you to the home page, then click on the "Power Bands" link there.

They're currently having a 60% off sale on bands to clear out space for new summer stock and the prices are DIRT CHEAP. If you've always wanted to try band training, this is the perfect time to grab some and give it a shot.

I have a bunch of these myself and really like them...very durable. I've also found they don't leave you smelling like latex (if the bands contact your skin) because of the coating on them, too.

Take a small band and hitch it to a solid object like a post or a machine then step inside the big loop.

Kneel down and bring the loop up to your chest or upper abdominal area (wherever it feels comfortable - positioning is not critical).

Then shift over until you get a stretch on the band. The band is going to be pulling your body to the side the entire time, which you must the deep muscles of your core to resist.

Come down into the rollout. How far down you go will depend completely on your current core strength. You don't have to go all the way down until your stomach touches the ground and your body is straight. In fact, in most cases, it's better NOT to.

You can come down (maintaining a bend at the hips) only as far as you can until just before your hips start to straighten out. This allows you to keep torque off the lower back while still getting the benefits of the exercise.

I come all the way down in this demo because my core muscles are strong enough to maintain contraction and tension without any issues in the lower back. Like I said, though, you don't have to come down this low to get the benefits of the exercise.

Come back up. You'll find with the band stretching forward like this, you'll actually get some help back up.

Repeat for as many reps as you can, until you can no longer maintain good body position. This will depend on your core strength. Just remember to stop short of the point where your body position is compromised.

Rest for 1 minute, then turn around and repeat facing the other way so that the band pulls from the other side.

That's all there is to it! This one will light up your abs with unique, lateral tension for strong, deep core work.

Check out the video for it here (just a quick 30-second demo - no big explanation in this one).


And again, if you need bands...

Go here and get them for 60% off (while supplies last).


Want more killer core training like this?

I've got 6 more exercises for you to check out here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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