Subject: Simplest kettlebell core workout EVER...(and one of the best)

This is honestly one of THE single best deep core workouts I've ever done...and one of the simplest.

I carried a 90 lb kettlebell for 2 miles.

That's literally it. Just a dead-hang carry to one side of the body.

The only stopping was to set it down for a second to switch hands, then continue...essentially non-stop. Sometimes the simplest workouts are the toughest. This one was brutal.

And it's something YOU can very easily (well, maybe not easily ;) do for resistance-cardio training, too.

Start lighter and/or for a shorter distance and take longer rest periods, if needed, but just carry a kettlebell, dumbbell or even a duffel bag with some heavy stuff in it and walk.

This weight for me was just under 50% of my bodyweight. It got REALLY challenging pretty quick.

I would recommend starting at somewhere around 20-30% of your bodyweight to see how it feels.

And just walk while trying to maintain a neutral spine position. This digs into those deep core muscles (obliques and transeverse abdominis) very strongly, especially as they fatigue over time.

For me, I used lifting hooks for grip assistance so grip strength wouldn't be an issue (I tend to get sweaty hands as well, which causes the weight to start slipping).

It was interesting how the fatigue shifted around over the course of the 2 miles.

I started off feeling the workload in the lower back, then that got used to the uneven loading, then load moved more to the upper back (middle traps and rhomboids), then to the deep core muscles, then to the lower lats.

By the time I was done, my legs were starting to really feel it, too.


So I did that the first week, then I did something I've never done before this past Monday...

The same thing I did the previous week.

I've never actually done the exact same long distance loaded carry two weeks in a row.

So I did another 2 mile walk with a single 90 lb kettlebell, switching hands as needed, just dead-hang carrying to one side again.

I did it in order to see what kind of training effect I would get from having done it last week.

The first time, I did the 2 miles in 50 minutes. The second time, I did the same 2 miles with the same weight in 43:30 6 1/2 minutes faster, which I'm quite happy with.

I was aiming to get it under 45 minutes.

The first time was more about just getting it done. This second time was about pushing to see how FAST I could get it done.

Maybe I'll go crazy and do it again one more time next week and see what happens.

This one DESTROYED my obliques and transversus the first week. They were actually STILL a little bit sore from that first carry when I did the second one! I only noticed this when I started the second carry.

I had noticeable soreness in the core up until 5 days later just in everyday movements, but to still have soreness 7 days later was interesting...only noticeable when loaded similarly.

My core isn't sore to the same degree a few days after this one, do definitely getting a good training effect from it.

This is really one of the BEST oblique/TVA workouts I've ever done and all you need is one weight!


Want More Core Training and Workouts Like This?

I've got two reserouces for you...


1. The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of

This is a book of 90 unique and innovative movements that will build you a bulletproof core. I've got 6 sample exercises for you to test out on that page...some of the best core stuff I've ever come up with.


2. Metabolic Monsters

If you're looking to get ripped for summer but don't like "normal' workouts for doing it, you will LOVE these workouts.

These are some amazing circuit workouts designed to CRANK up your metabolism for fat burning while sparing muscle and building strength. Your athletic performance and conditioning will go through the roof, too.


3. The Starting Monday Diet

Ok, so this is three :) and isn't an exercise or workout book. This is my favorite diet in the whole world...I'm actually doing it right now myself to get lean for summer!

It's a simple one-week template that allows you to be stricter on weekdays then loosen up on the weekends (so you can have a life)...then start fresh again on Monday.

It uses strategic psychology to help you keep your head in the game for losing fat long-term.

After all, it's not your body that gives up on dieting, it's your HEAD.


Bottom line, though, give this one-weight loaded carry a try. Take a weight for a walk and see how it feels on your core!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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