Subject: Simplest fat-loss workout ever... (incredibly effective, too)

In fact, I just did this one again myself last night because I didn't want to think...I just wanted to DO.

It's a 500 Swing workout... and it hits just about EVERYTHING...

It'll work your entire posterior chain (the muscles down the back of your body) very strongly while pushing your cardiovascular system hard as well.

But you don't just grab a kettlebell and try and hammer out 500 straight reps (you'd have to use too light of a weight), nor do you do reps randomly.

Here's my simple strategy for getting the most out of the 500 Swing workout for developing insane conditioning while dropping fat.

500 Kettlebell Swing Workout for Power-Endurance and Metabolic Conditioning

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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