Subject: Shred stubborn fat with this fast single-barbell workout...

Maybe you're pressed for time...

Maybe you're training in a crowded gym and all you can get is one barbell and a bit of floorspace...

Or maybe you're training at home with limited equipment...

THIS barbell complex workout will do the trick.

A barbell complex is a series of exercises done without letting go of the bar. It's a great way to move quickly through a workout and generate some serious burn.

It's one of the workouts in my Metabolic Monsters book (this one is awesome for fast fat loss while keeping all your muscle, strength and athletic performance).

In this circuit, you're going to be hitting every major muscle group in your body, working from the top down, generating as much Lactic Acid as you possibly can all the way through, which is ideal for accessing stubborn fat.

Get the full workout here...

barbell row

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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