Subject: Should a woman train the same way as a man?

From Nick Nilsson

This is a question I get a lot...should a woman train the same as
a man using the same exercises and same programs?

The answer that I give you is something I've arrived at over the years...

...and basically the answer is yes...

...and no.

Here's the deal...a woman should train like a man train IF her
goal is the SAME as that man's goal. When that is the case, there
really doesn't need to be much, if any, difference in training.

For example, if a woman's goal is to develop muscle mass, then
absolutely she should train with a program designed to build
muscle'll do that for her just like it would build mass
in a man. Granted, it'll most likely take longer and the results
won't be to the same degree.

At same time, if woman's goal is to lose fat and and get "toned"
(I'll use that word even though I can't stand it ;), which is
basically another word for muscle development, then a man
training for that same goal isn't going to automatically turn
into a woman because he trains like that.

Muscle doesn't know if it's male or female. All it knows is
contraction and relaxation. It's the hormones and the structure
of the body that makes the difference.

And a woman can use the exact same exercises as a man IF their
goals are the same. If their goals are different, then different
exercises that are targeted to that goal should be used.

For example, in my own Metabolic Surge program, I don't
differentiate between male and female training because the
overriding goal of the program is the same for both men and burn fat while preserving and potentially gaining
muscle mass.

If a woman wanted to minimize muscle gain from the program (which
many women do), there are easy adjustments that can be made to it
both in the program structure and in the exercises used.

So...bottom line...SHOULD a woman train the same as a man?

Not if her goals are different than a man's goals. If that's the
case she should absolutely train differently than a man and
target her training and eating to the specific body goals she
wants to achieve.


So yesterday, I emailed you about a free report from Flavia
DelMonte, which deals very specifically with many of the big
myths associated with women and training. This is informative
stuff and you can still grab that here:


This report has some great info in, plus she's included in a few
other items:

- 5 Minute FURY Workout (it's actually 15 minutes and very
intense) designed with one goal in mind: to help you lean out
while improving your fitness and strength.

- 5 Minute Fat-Attack Recipe Guide

- 30-page 5 Big FAT Female Fitness Myths Exposed report.

LOTS of good info here.



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