Subject: Short on time? Do this In-Set Superset for chest and back...

The In-Set Superset is a great training concept that I normally use for hitting
a single bodypart from a couple of different angles in one set. All you need
are two exercises that share a similar start position, then you alternate reps of each.

A good example is the lying tricep extension and the close-grip bench press.
Both share the same position with the bar locked out over your
alternate reps of each exercise.

The In-Set Superset is a powerful technique that can not only save you
training time
but really allow you to hit a target muscle VERY hard and
very efficiently.

So why not do an In-Set Superset with two DIFFERENT bodyparts...

When doing it like this, it's best done with two antagonistic bodyparts...back
and chest, for example...going back between dumbell flyes and dumbell
pullovers (they share a similar top position, with your arms directly over
your body).

This is going to allow you to target a lot of upper body muscle mass in
one set, really demanding a lot from your back and your chest.

Click here to check out it now (got a short video demo for it, too).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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