Subject: Seriously...CAN a person truly get past their genetic muscle limits?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

That's a very good question and one I've heard from a number of
people since I sent out that email yesterday about Vince's
program "Maximize Your Muscle."


Here's my answer to that...

Basically, you have to look at your genetic limits as the sum
total of ALL the physiological factors you have going on in your
body. Think of it like a high-jump bar...your potential is the
highest height you can jump right now and it's the sum total of
your ability to jump, your technique, etc.

How much muscle you can carry will vary greatly by things you
CAN'T control (genetic and certain physiological factors, which
I'll talk about) and also by things you CAN control.

First, you can't control your skeletal structure...larger bone
structure means you can generally carry more muscle.

You also can't control your somatotype (body type...endo, ecto
or mesomorph).

And you can't (for the most part, at least) control your muscle
fiber type makeup (e.g. your ratio of fast-twitch to slow-twitch
muscle fibers - the reason I say "for the most part" is that some
fibers can be changed to other fiber types with specific
training...primarily fast-twitch to slow-twitch with repeated
endurance training).

So those are some things that really DO limit your genetic
muscle-building what about the things you CAN

And I want you to think about this while you're reading
these...are you TRULY maximizing every single one of these
factors that you CAN control?

I know I'm ain't easy!

1. much and the quality of food you eat has a
tremendous effect on muscle growth.

2. Hormones...what you eat, how you train and how you rest has a
tremendous effect on muscle-building hormones. Granted, some
people do just genetically have more "test." But do you know that
you're doing everything you can to maximize what you DO have?

3. Physiological factors that can be changed with
training...blood supply to the muscles...check...increased
connective tissue strength...check...improved targeting of the
energy systems....check. And those are only a few of the

To be quite honest, many of the factors we THINK are holding us
back are really just limiting us because our training hasn't
specifically addressed improving them.

4. Recovery - this can also be genetically limited (along with
other factors like age, nutrition and stress levels), but can
absolutely be addressed with specific strategies. It's just a
matter of finding and USING those strategies.


I could go on but I think you get the idea. A lot of what we
perceive to be our genetic limitations on muscle-building are
actually under a lot of our own control. The limitations are in
our minds and in our strategies for improvement.

By targeting and improving the factors that ARE under our
control, you can move that high-jump bar to a much higher level.

Heck, you wouldn't set the bar at 4 feet the first time you jump
then say that's as high as you'll ever train and learn
better techniques and you RAISE THAT BAR.

Yet that's what a lot of people do with muscle...set the bar at
4 feet, say that's their genetic potential and leave the bar

What you need, then, are the right strategies....and THIS is
what Vince is striving to bring to the table with his new



P.S. Don't forget, you can get started with this program for
just a buck AND I'm kicking in two of my "Best Exercises" books
when you try it out (chest and arms).

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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