Subject: See one of the coolest "old time strongman" tricks in action...

So last fall, I met up with my friend (and strongman) Bud Jeffries...

... and, since I hadn't seen it before, I asked him if he could do a strength demo for me on video to show you.

He had a 60-penny nail with him (he had just finished up an anti-bullying strength demo at a local church) and said he'd be happy to do a nail bending demo.

I just posted the video of it on my Youtube Channel here...

In case you're wondering how thick a 60-penny nail is, it's like a big, giant six-inch SPIKE. You can see it pretty clearly in the video...and bending one of these things is NOT east.

This is the kind of strength that I LOVE to see in action...and Bud is a MASTER of this type of training.

If you haven't seen it yet, I would ABSOLUTELY recommend you check out his new book
"Maximum Functional Mass."

This book contains ALL his secrets for developing massive muscle that performs at the highest levels. It's one of the coolest training books I've ever read.

It's available as a digital ebook OR hard copy printed book, so you can pick whichever version you prefer.


To get a 10% discount and FREE copy of Maximum Functional Mass DVD 1, use the coupon code "madscientist" at checkout.

Get your copy of Maximum Functional Mass here, using coupon code "madscientist"...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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