Subject: Sample tips from the 3 limited-time Muscle Explosion bonuses

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass

So I've had a few questions about the 3 limited-time bonuses
that I'm kicking in with the Muscle Explosion program until
midnight tonight.

I wanted to make sure and get this info out to you before the
deadline, then I promise I'll shut up about this book :)


1. The Best Abdominal Exercises - Core Strength Edition

This book is 42 pages of exercises targeted ONLY at building
strength through the abdominal crunches or leg raises
here. These exercises are all about improving your ability to
hold and lift bigger weights.

For example, one of my favorites is the Curl Squat...with this
one, you basically hold a barbell in the top of the curl
position, then you do a squat, keeping the bar there. It looks
like a weird front squat, but because you're not supporting the
bar on your body, just with your arms, pretty much ALL the torque
goes right into your core. It's brutal, I kid you not, but VERY

I've got another one of the exercises on my Powerful Training
Secrets site so you can check it out. One-Side Loaded Barbell
Squats, a VERY good one for building the side abdominal wall.


These are the kind of exercises you'll get in this bonus book.
Killer stuff if core strength is a goal of yours (to give you an
idea, I use these exercises, and I do 500+ deadlifts and 400+
stiff-legged deadlifts with no belt).

2. Classified Muscle Building - Biceps, Tricep and Forearms

This bonus book is 55 pages of "top secret" "mad
scientist" lab books that I've dumped into electronic format. I
haven't included pictures or video with these (haven't had a
chance to shoot everything yet), but believe me, you will get a
LOT out of this info.

It's different than my "Best Exercises" stuff in that it's more
targeted towards improving more common exercises like barbell and
dumbell curls, pushdowns, etc. It's going to teach you how to get
a LOT more of every single "normal" exercise you do.

This stuff is GOLD and it covers your arms in total. Got a
couple of sample bits from it for you:

Barbell Curls - At the top, hold the contraction for a second
and try to push your elbows together hard. This is like forcing
supination. It will intensify the contraction.

Dumbell Curls - Do not reverse the supination of the wrist on
the way down. This takes tension off the biceps. Keep the palm
facing forward the entire way down. This is very important to get
the most out of the negative of the movement. Turn the forearm at
the bottom of the movement when there is no tension.

Pushdowns - To maximally affect the long head, do these in a
kneeling position. Allow your arms to go up almost directly over
your head instead of just to the chin. One of the functions of
the long head is to bring the arm down towards the body and this
trick will target that function. Bring the bar or rope down until
your elbows point down then push down as usual. At the bottom of
the movement, lean your upper body back somewhat and finish the
movement with your hands behind your back. This will hit almost
the entire range of motion of the triceps in one movement.

3. Classified Muscle Building - Chest

This is the same deal as the previous bonus in that it's PACKED
with great info on getting more out of the "normal" exercises you
do. This one is 32 pages covering only chest training. Check out
these sample tips:

Barbell Bench Press - If you want to develop explosiveness in
your bench, try partner-pressure bench. Instead of spotting you,
your partner should lean on the bar in order to add resistance to
it (enough so you can’t move it - don't use a heavy weight for
this one). Your partner removes their weight suddenly at the
point where you have a lot of tension built up so you explode the
bar up. This type of training will engage a lot of motor units in
order to try and move the resistance, then force them to explode
all at once at the release. It’s like revving an engine with
the brakes on then releasing them and peeling out.

Dumbell Bench Press - This is a technique that will activate the
stretch reflex during a bench press set. Bring the dumbells down
in the normal style, going as far down as you can possibly
stretch. Your forearms should be vertical at this point. Let the
dumbells fall out wide to the sides as though bailing out on the
exercise. Let them fall for only a few inches then contract the
pecs hard and press up quickly. At the stretch, the dumbells will
be tilted slightly down and away. As you come up, tilt them down
and in with your pinkies higher. Squeeze your pecs hard at the
top and repeat. Use only a moderate weight for this technique, as
you want to be able to press them up from a very deep stretch.
This will fire up your pecs like crazy.

That's just a few of the tips from this chest book. Some really
cool stuff in here.


That's pretty much the full deal on the 3 bonuses. They are
JAMMED with great training info that I think you'll really get a
lot out of.

And the ONLY way to get them is to get the Muscle Explosion book
before midnight tonight and before the price goes up.



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