Subject: SMACKDOWN...4 Cycle Solution vs Metabolic Surge...

So I've had a lot of requests for a breakdown on
how Shaun Hadsall's "4 Cycle Solution" program
compares to my "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss"

And that's all the motivation I need for a good old-fashioned smackdown :).

4 Cycle Solution vs Metabolic Surge

And let me just start by saying BOTH programs are very effective...
you really can't go wrong with either one.

I have TREMENDOUS respect for Shaun and the job he's done
with his program.

There are lot of similarities between the two programs and a
lot of differences and it really comes down to what approach
you prefer in a fat-loss program.


Round 1 - Nutrition

The "4 Cycle Solution" program is EXTREMELY detailed when
it comes to nutrition, describing in great detail exactly what to
eat, when to eat it and why.

In fact, when it comes to the nutritional aspect of fat-loss, I've
gotta give this round to Shaun. His detailed knowledge of how
nutrients affect the hormonal aspect of fat loss (critical) and the
very detailed breakdown of exactly what to eat and when gives
his program the edge over Metabolic Surge in terms of nutrition.

If you like this type of nutritional management, you're going to
LOVE "4 Cycle Solution". It leaves absolutely nothing to chance
and you'll get a serious education on the hormonal and nutritional
aspects of fat loss, especially stubborn fat. It's really good stuff
and I learned a lot from it myself.

That being said, I'll be honest...when I designed Metabolic Surge,
I originally designed it to be the complete OPPOSITE of the
"micromanaged" approach. Personally, I don't want to be that
detailed with my nutritional program...I took more of a
"sledgehammer" approach to fat-loss, working with very broad
nutritional guidelines to make it easier on myself to do.

WINNER: 4 Cycle Solution


Round 2 - Training

Training is a key component of a successful fat-loss
arguments there.

And Shaun's "4 Cycle Solution" program gives very sound training
recommendations and advice. The training is right in line with
everything that I know works and works FAST for fat loss. His
"Metabolic Bursting" training style is an incredibly useful
component of the program...very effective stuff and you won't
go wrong using it. is where "Metabolic Surge" takes the edge
over the "4 Cycle Solution". The Metabolic Surge program
integrates the training you're doing with the specific nutrients
you're eating on a daily basis. The style of training you do is
completely based on what foods you're eating.

This focused attention to training reflects my leanings towards
what I do in the gym over what I do in the kitchen.

WINNER: Metabolic Surge


Round 3 - Effectiveness

This is where things get interesting...which program would I say
is more effective?

And again, I'll be honest with really depends on your
fat-loss goals.

If your goal is extremely rapid fat loss with a focus on keeping
muscle mass and you're good with training EXTREMELY hard
to do it, Metabolic Surge would be the best choice for you.

If your goal is more focused on long-term (while still fast) fat-loss,
the "4 Cycle Solution" program will be the better choice for you.
It will give you an easier-to-follow template for working towards
long-term fat loss goals.

The Metabolic Surge program is more of a "sprint." I designed it
with the goal of "fastest fat loss possible" in mind (while keeping
your muscle). I don't use it year-round and I don't recommend
you do, either.

Shaun's approach to fat-loss, however, is truly reflected in his
own physique...the dude stays RIPPED all year long. And it's
his Macro-Patterning approach that allows him to do it.

WINNER: TIE (it depends on your goals)


So those are the key differences between the "4 Cycle Solution"
program and my own "Metabolic Surge" program. And as I
mentioned above, you really can't go wrong with either
really just comes down to which approach you prefer.

Our programs share a lot of similarities and if you've already
got the Metabolic Surge program, this is a GREAT option for
you to work with as well.

Plus, his program is actually cheaper than mine right now, because
of his launch sale ;)...

==> 4 Cycle Fat-Loss 62% off + 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Bonus (*free*)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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