Subject: Revealed...Arnold's "secret" bicep exercise...

What is this "secret" exercise?...

You've probably seen pictures of Arnold using it for his arm's one of the not-so-secret, "secret" exercises he used for developing his incredible biceps.

The exercise is called "Arm Blaster Curls", done using a piece of equipment called (of all things) an Arm Blaster...(for real)...

...and I've got a variation that is going to mimic it, using a bar set up in the power rack.

So yes, this is one of the very few times I'm going to tell you to curl in the power rack...

...and the reason is not for's because the setup of the exercise actually requires it (that or a Smith Machine bar). Just make sure that there's nobody needing to do some actual squats in the rack when you do this one!

This setup is somewhat is also similar in concept to a steep Preacher Curl because of the angle it places your arms at.

What it WILL do is force you to remove extra body movement from the curl exercise, which is one of the most important things you can do for building bigger biceps.

First, set the safety rails to upper abdominal height and set a bar up against the uprights. You're going to be bracing your stomach on this bar, with your arms set on the other side, exactly like an Arm Blaster.

I recommend either using an EZ bar or a dumbbell (one or two) for this exercise. You can also use a straight bar if you have somebody hand it to you or have something you can set it on that you can reach down and grab it.

If you use an EZ bar, don't grip on the angled parts. This takes tension off the biceps. Grip on the middle section so your hands are set horizontally. This keeps the forearms in a supinated position, which is critical for optimal loading and tension on the biceps.

Pick up the bar and maneuver it around the uprights.

Brace your upper arms against the outside of the bar, pulling your stomach in tight against the bar.

Now lower the bar under control. At the bottom, you're going to get full extension of the elbows, putting a good stretch on the biceps. As you can see, because of the "forward" position of the bar, it is different than the normal Arm Blaster curl and similar to a steep Preacher Curl.

Now curl the bar up.

As you come to the top, lean forward towards the bar to help keep tension on the biceps.

As you fatigue, there will be temptation to lean back...and honestly, as you get towards the end of the set, you CAN use that tendency to leverage the bar with your body position in order to extend the set, pushing your biceps even HARDER. Just don't do it right away.

I didn't show it in the video, but in the next set, I did a "ratcheting" type of movement where I would curl the bar up a few inches, lock in the isometric contraction, then lean back to raise it up, then lean forward again and repeat. It's a killer intensity technique (save it for the last set...don't abuse it)).

Bottom line, this is an excellent method for performing strict curls, ramping up the tension on the biceps for greater mass gain and bigger arms.

I've posted the video for this exercise on my YouTube channel here...


Want More Killer Bicep Exercises Like This?

I've got an entire book of them, including amazing exercises for your triceps and your forearms as well!

It's called "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and it's packed with unique, new exercises that will build you the arms you want when normal exercises let you down.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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