Subject: Recruit dormant muscle fibers and build muscle automatically (men and women!)

If you want to build muscle and strength like clockwork, and have little to no training equipment to work with, the program I've been talking about for the past few days is EXACTLY what you need.


Time-Volume Training...

  • Builds muscle automatically... literally like clockwork... even in experienced trainers
  • Produces "work horse" strength for all-day power and endurance that doesn't quit or fade out
  • Won't crush your recovery, hammer your nervous system, spike your cortisol, trash your immune system, or suppress your testosterone
  • Develops a base of REAL strength that will push the numbers on your max lifts higher and higher, without hurting your joints
  • Recruits dormant muscle fibers that your body normally can't access (and therefore can't grow!)
  • Works for EVERYBODY from total beginner to very advanced


And just FYI, TODAY is the last chance you'll be able to grab it for 50% off the regular price.

Men, click here to read about what it can do for you.

Ladies, click here to read how TVT gives you an advantage over men in your training!


If you still have questions about it, I've got the answers for you here...


Question #1

I only have bodyweight and some limited equipment to work with. Can I really still build muscle and strength with what I've got?


Absolutely. Your muscles only know workload and doesn't matter if that workload is applied via bodyweight training, a pair of old cement dumbbells, or a suitcase full of books and expired cat food.

The beauty of the Time-Volume Training system is that workload is applied in such a manner that even LIGHT weight exercises can be highly effective for building muscle. Even if you can do 50 push-ups, you can use TVT to get a strong muscle-building effect from just comes down to properly applied volume.


Question #2

Does this program work for women? It seems like this program is mostly targeted for men.


This program works GREAT for women. The only difference between how men and women will use this program will be the amount of weight used and the exercise selection. The training concepts are applied exactly the same, male or female.

For example, men generally (not always) want to focus on working the shoulders to get a wider upper body looks while women (again, not always) tend to do more glute-focused work in their training. By choosing different exercises, you will target different goals and aspects of your physique.

You can read about what TVT can do for female trainers here.



Question #3

Is this program effective for older trainers, e.g. 50, 60, 70+ years old?


This program is actually IDEAL for older trainers. Because Time-Volume Training stays away from failure and uses sub-maximal weight, you won't see the same issues with joint pain and overtraining that often come with heavier-loading, higher-intensity programs.

This style of training will be even MORE effective for building muscle because of that.

Again, you'll have FULL control over your exercise selection, allowing you to work with whatever exercises you like, that don't cause you pain or aggravate old injuries.

And because the system is self-correcting, you'll never push yourself too hard or set yourself back.

Get your copy of Time-Volume Training here.


Question #4

Can I do this program at the gym, too? Or is it only for training at home?


The program works no matter WHERE you home, at the gym, outside, on the deck of a ship. You can apply the Time-Volume Training protocol to literally ANY form of resistance training you like.

In fact, in the program itself, in addition to regular weight training and bodyweight exercises, you'll learn how to best do it with unique exercises like Farmers Walks and other forms of loaded carries. This protocol works AMAZINGLY well for stuff like that.


Question #5

Do I need to follow any special diet or take any supplements for this program to work?


Not at all! You can follow pretty much ANY nutritional program you like when using this program. It's incredibly versatile.

As far as supplements go, you don't necessarily NEED supplements...however, they can be helpful, and in the program, you'll discover which ones are the MOST helpful. Bottom line, though, you don't need any supplements at all to see tremendous results from this program.

Build muscle FAST using Time-Volume Training here.


Question #6

How many days a week do I do this program?


As many or as little as you want. You can do it once or twice a week, all the way up to six days a week. I give you full instructions in the book on how to use this program and put the workouts into action, including a variety of programs and suggested splits.

You can follow exactly what I tell you do to with "done for you" programs or put the workouts together to make your own masterpiece perfectly customized to your training style and preferences.


Question #7

How long do the workouts take?


The workouts are 100% adjustable to the time you have available. They can be anywhere between 10-15 minutes all the way up to 60 choose the time the workout takes.


Question #8

Can I combine Time-Volume Training with other training programs and techniques?


Definitely. In fact, one of the programs I've included in the book does exactly's half Time-Volume Training and half traditional low-rep, heavy strength training. It works GREAT for building mass and strength at the same time.

You can do something similar and use blocks of Time-Volume Training however you like inside a larger training program. You don't have to do just Time-Volume Training only. You can use it however you like!


Question #9

If these workouts only use light to moderate weight, how am I going to build strength with them?


There are a number of strength-focused workouts in the book that are specifically designed to build serious strength. And even though you CAN make progress with light to moderate weight, some of these versions utilize relatively heavy weight.

For example, one of the methods in the book is Single Rep Time Volume Training. Instead of doing 3-rep sets, you do 1 rep sets.

This is phenomenal for building strength because in a normal set, you generally lose your ideal body position after the first rep. With this technique, you reset your body into perfect position on every single rep.

And because you're only resting 10 seconds between reps, you still maintain the nervous system activation from the previous rep. This keeps the nervous system "kindled" and ready to activate strongly for the next rep. It feels AWESOME and your nervous will get tuned to that exercise.

Build muscle with light weight using Time-Volume Training here.


Question #10

What if I purchase the program and feel it's not a good fit for me? Can I get refund?


Yep, no problem at all. If it's not a good fit, you can get a full refund, no questions asked. You have a full 60 days to test this program out and make sure you like it.


Question #11

Can I use any exercises I like with Time-Volume Training?


This program works with just about any exercise. That being said, there are some TVT workouts that are much better suited to compound exercises and some that are more targeted to isolation exercises.

Overall, though, the Time-Volume protocol can be applied to just about any movement you like, using any form of training equipment, from bodyweight to bands to free weights or machines.


The bottom line is this...

If you want a program that will map out EXACTLY how to build muscle and strength, week after week like clockwork, Time-Volume Training is the program you need.

You can use it with ANY form of training equipment you've got...even if it's NO equipment at all or just very light weight.

It can be used at the gym, at home, while travelling....wherever you have space to do an exercise, it will go...and it will WORK.

It's simple, effective and easy to understand, yet challenging enough for advanced trainers to get results from it.

Don't miss out...grab your copy of Time-Volume Training now before the price doubles at midnight tonight!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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