Subject: Real Life Self-Defense...sample videos...

For the past few days, I've been talking about a program called "Real Life Self-Defense" put together by real life "action hero" and friend of mine, Mike Gillette.

This is a fantastic "real world" self-defense program that it is very straightforward to learn and use.

Mike is one of the most accomplished law enforcement and security professionals in the country, if not the world.

And his focus with this program is giving you information you can USE that won't take forever to learn and doesn't require contstant practice.

Above all, it's EFFECTIVE...meaning it could literally save your life.

You can read more about his program here.


I also wanted to get you some sample videos from Mike, so you can see exactly what his program is all about.

These short videos will give you a good idea of Mike's philosophy and what he can teach you.

For Women Who Don't Feel Strong Enough to FIGHT Back

Why Kicking is OVERRATED in a Fight

How to Avoid a Fight

What to do in a Street Fight


Mike is not going to turn you in a special forces ninja assassin or anything like that...his methods are designed to be used only in case of emergencies. They're not fancy, which is what WORKS when you really need it the most.

Get your instant access to Real Life Self-Defense here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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