Subject: Read this if you REALLY want to build maximum muscle...

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So the past few days, I've been talking about my "Muscle Explosion" program.

If you want to build maximum muscle and strength FAST, in my opinion, there's no better program.

And here are the Top Ten reasons why...

#1 - It Works

That's an easy one! This is not a "theoretical" program. The original version has been used by literally THOUSANDS of people, just like you. And this new "2.0" version has been run through rigorous testing both by myself and 70+ test subjects.

The results have been spectacular...gains of 7 to 10 pounds of lean mass in just 28 days...with decreases in bodyfat at the same time...and RIDICULOUS increases in strength.

#2 - It's Cheap

This program is going to cost you less than a single tub of protein powder...or a night of pigging out on pizza. It's an incredible value for the amount of information you're going to get.

It's just 15 bucks right now...but the price will be at least DOUBLE after midnight tonight.

#3 - You'll Learn How To Use Overtraining To Your Advantage to Build Muscle and Strength

And THAT is a skill you can apply to all the training programs that you do in the future. Because once you know the secret to harnessing overtraining, you have the keys to the kingdom.... you'll never get stuck in a training rut again.

#4 - You'll Discover What Your Body and Mind are REALLY Capable Of

This program is going to push you to the limits. It's going to challenge your physical strength and endurance your mental fortitude. And when you finish, you will feel like you've really ACCOMPLISHED something...I can promise you that.

Grab your copy of Muscle Explosion here...

#5 - You'll Make Massive Jumps in Strength

I mentioned the ridiculous increases in strength in #1. It bears repeating...the fast strength gains you can make with this program are literally almost impossible to believe.

Users of this program have reported gains upwards of 100 pounds on their max deadlift, 80 lbs on their squats and 40 lbs on their bench press. Those are BIG numbers for just 4 weeks of training.

#6 - You'll Know Exactly What to Eat and Exactly How to Train EVERY SINGLE DAY of the Program to Maximize Your Results

Nothing is left to chance with this program. Every day is structured with a purpose...there is not a single wasted set, rep or exercise. And I explain everything in great detail, so you know exactly what you're doing every step of the way.

#7 - Hardgainers Will Build Muscle Even if NOTHING Has Worked For Them Before

If you're naturally skinny and have a hard time building mass, the Muscle Explosion approach is PERFECT. It will force your body into an emergency situation that DEMANDS muscle be built, even on the skinniest frame.

#8 - You'll Likely LOSE Fat Even As You Build Muscle and Strength

This program is designed to build mass while maintaining or LOSING bodyfat. Bottom line is, you're NOT going to"bulk up" and get fat when doing this program. Follow the instructions and you'll get bigger and stronger while dramatically improving your body composition.

Get your copy of Muscle Explosion here...

#9 - Even If You're a Gym Veteran, This Program Will RE-IGNITE Your Passion for Training Again

If you've been training hard for a long time, your body has pretty much seen it all...until THIS. The Muscle Explosion program is designed to harness every single available pathway for building muscle and strength as quickly as possible. It's like nothing you've ever tried before.

#10 - This Program is Awesome

There's just no better way to sum it up than that! This program is extremely challenging, incredibly effective and, if you love hard training, downright FUN. Totally worth the dirt-cheap price it is right now.


The bottom line is this...

The next time you go the gym, are you absolutely sure that the program you're using is targeting EVERY SINGLE PATHWAY for developing muscle and strength in a highly strategic, synergistic fashion where each phase builds on the last phase to provide INSANE levels of systemic growth stimulation?

In other words, do you KNOW your program is awesome?

Or are you doing it because it's just what you've always done...or the biggest guy in the gym uses it...or you don't know any other good programs to try...

This is your chance to grab your training by the horns and build muscle FAST again.

And all for the price of a pizza and some beer.

Grab your copy of Muscle Explosion now

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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