Subject: Re: Muscle Explosion – I need to ask a favor…

Nick Nilsson
Author of Muscle Explosion – 28 Days to Maximum Mass

First off, I want to wish you a Happy New Year!

Got something very cool to share with you here today…Muscle
Explosion was recently picked up by a publisher and is now
available as a “real” ;) book on! It’s also
going to be in select Barnes & Noble, Borders and Chapters (in
Canada) bookstores!

You can check it out on here:


The favor I want to ask is this...I’d like to ask if you would
mind posting your review of the program onto that Amazon website.
Obviously, I hope it’s a positive review and I’d love to get
5 stars from you :) ... and definitely be sure and post the
results you got with the program!

If you go to that page on the link above, right below the title
and my name, there will be a “review” link. You can also see
a “customer review” section further down the page, which is
where your review will show up.

Thanks and if you have any questions, definitely let me know!
Got the link for you again here:



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