Subject: Rack pulls without a rack for blowing your deadlift...

There are two major sticking points in the deadlift...a few inches off the floor and coming up to the full lockout position.

We're going to focus on the lockout with this technique.

This method utilizes full-range reps of heavy trap bar deadlifts, followed immediately by lockout reps in a shorter range of motion to overload the top part of the range of motion of the exercise, similar to a rack pull but without needing a rack.

This develops lockout strength, overall muscular endurance while conditioning of your body to withstand heavy loading.

I call it Range of Motion Drop Sets for trap bar deadlifts.

Range-of-Motion Trap Bar Deadlift Drop Sets set on plates

This really gets into the deep connective tissue of your body, not only with the lifting but with the short farmers walking you do to get in and out of position for the lockouts.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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