Subject: Rack-Rail Leg Raises, 1 Arm Gripping DB Squats, and REALLY your last chance...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, got the two sample exercises I promised you from my previous
email today.

These two are DEADLY...a couple of my favorites. One is for legs
and one for abs and BOTH are found in the two bonus books I'm
kicking in for Mike Westerdal and Elliott Hulse's "Lean Hybrid
Muscle" program.

These two bonus books are GONE tonight at midnight, though, so if
you are interested in getting them along with the Lean Hybrid
program, definitely jump on it asap!


Be sure to post your comments at the bottom of the pages on each
exercise, not only just on your first impressions but after you
get a chance to try them out!


One-Arm Gripping Dumbell Squats - from "The Best Fat-Loss
Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

This is a great exercise for pushing your lower body HARD with
deep squats, using your other arm to spot and brace the body so
you keep a fully upright torso while doing the deep squat. This
is perfect if you have back issues and want to do deep squats for
leg and glute development.

All you need for this exercise is a dumbell and something solid
to grab onto.



Rack-Rail Leg Raises - from "The Best Core Strength Exercises
You've Never Heard Of"

For working the entire core (and specifically the lower abs!)
strongly, this is a killer exercise. And when I say killer, I
mean it will almost literally kill you :) You'll need a rack for
this one - you not only have to support yourself between the two
safety rails of the rack, you have to also perform a leg raise
while doing it. Honestly, it's freaking brutal...if you've got
good ab strength, you'll eat this one up.



So those are the two exercises pulled out of my two bonus books!
I think you'll be able to see just from the pics and videos just
how good these are...and the books are PACKED with even more just
like 'em that work perfectly with Mike and Elliott's program.

And just like the 50% launch discount on Lean Hybrid Muscle,
these two bonus gifts are going away at midnight tonight.

So take your time but hurry... :)



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