Subject: REAL functional core training with just 1 dumbbell...

The best core work is very similar to manual labor...moving, carrying and shifting weight in a way that demands plenty of core support and activation.

This exercise does exactly that. You're going to be picking a dumbbell up off the ground and loading it up on to your leg. That's it.

It sounds very simple (and it is), yet it's also a very powerful total-body exercise. Because in addition to strongly working the core, you'll be hitting your legs, glutes, upper back, and arms in a very integrated fashion, especially as the weight gets heavy.

You'll need a single dumbbell for this exercise. Stand it on end in front of you, and get into the bottom of a lunge position (back knee on the ground, front leg bent 90 degrees or so).

Make sure the dumbbell is set inside your base of support (the imaginary triangle that runs between your front foot and your back knee and foot).

Lean forward, maintaining an arch in your lower back. Grip under the top set of plates. Brace your core (bear down like somebody is going to punch you in the stomach.

Lift the dumbbell off the ground, leaning back as you do so. Your arms will be bent about 90 degrees and held isometrically in that position.

Lean back far enough that you can get the dumbbell up onto your leg. This is where you'll get some good, solid oblique and transversus work. You'll need to rotate slightly to shift the weight onto your thigh.

Rest the dumbbell fully on your thigh, releasing the tension in your core.

Then reverse the process, picking the dumbbell up off your leg and setting it back down again. Be sure to rebrace the core before you begin the lift.

You can either keep going on that one side until you've done all your reps, alternate every single rep, or do what I do, which is to perform two reps then switch to the other side. This is a good compromise between continuous work and having to take time to switch legs.

Here's a direct side view of the exercise as well. Note my lower back maintains an arch the entire time. This is important for proper bracing and movement mechanics to protect the spine when lifting.

Again, take the load fully off the core at the top, with the dumbbell set on your thigh.

Then pick it up and set it back down on the floor. Do two reps (or whatever your preference) and repeat on the other side.

I like to perform this exercise for 3-5 rounds through of two reps each, so a total of 6-10 reps.

This exercise is fantastic not only for strengthening the core but for integrating the core into movements involving the upper and lower body at the same time.

It's basically all about doing some hard work and moving some weight.

Watch the video of this exercise in action on my YouTube channel here.


Want more core exercises like this?

I've got 6 more for you to play with here.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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