Subject: Quick heads-up! 50% off on Blue Star supplements...

So really quick, here's the deal...

1. Blue Star Nutraceuticals is one my favorite and most trusted
supplement companies. I know the owners and the lead product
formulator, and I use their stuff regularly myself. Their supplements
are legit and very effective.

2. They've also just released a brand new pre-workout supplement
called P.P.K. And I'll be honest, I haven't tried it yet myself since
it's totally new to the market, but the ingredients look extremely
promising. I've actually taken a few of the ingredients separately
before and I know they're effective. If you take pre-workout
supplements, this is one I think you should absolutely try out.

3. To celebrate the release of this product, they've put just about
EVERYTHING they've got on sale for 50% off (all except Iso-
Smooth protein).

4. Use coupon code PPK50 at checkout to get 50% off your
order (great time to stock up).

5. That's it!

Stock up on HALF PRICE Blue Star supplements now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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