Subject: Q&A on High Frequency Training for Muscle with Chad Waterbury

If you've been having trouble building muscle, you're not alone. The typical approach
for building muscle that you read in newsstand muscle magazines or Internet articles
doesn't work for 90% of people. I'll bet you're one of them.

That's why I sat down with muscle growth expert, Chad Waterbury, to talk about
his new training/nutrition system for fast muscle growth.

Chad is a trainer I have HUGE respect for. I've been following his work and have
known him for years. He's one of the smartest guys in the field that I's
no coincidence we agree on a majority of things when it comes training ;).

He's spent over a decade testing and tweaking his approach to gaining muscle with
more frequent training sessions. The results have been outstanding and his High
Frequency Training (HFT) is already receiving praise from some of the biggest
names in fitness such as Pavel Tsatsouline, Eric Cressey, Lou Schuler and Dr. Stuart McGill.

Click here >> Yes, I want to learn more about HFT!

Q: Why does muscle growth occur so slowly with most body parts?

CW: Each time you train and fatigue a muscle, satellite cells (muscle stem cells)
get activated and rush to the site of damage for growth and repair. It's this
process that adds a little muscle tissue with each workout. The problem with
typical training programs is that this process only gets activated two, maybe
three, times per week. In extreme cases such as high intensity training to
failure, it only gets activated once per week.

For muscle mass gains to occur quickly, that growth and repair process from the
muscle's satellite cells must occur daily, or every other day, at the least. When
it does, you gain size faster than ever before.

Q: So you're saying people must go to the gym every day and
add hours to their current training program to gain muscle?

CW: Absolutely not. The cool part about the growth and repair process is that it
doesn't take much time to activate it. In many cases, it just takes minutes per
day and requires minimal equipment. For example, if you need to add upper
arm mass I outline unique exercises that overload the biceps and triceps muscles
with just a dumbbell or your body weight. These sets can be performed at home
and they only take minutes to complete.

Q: What if a guy or gal wants to add mass across the entire
body? Does HFT solve that problem?

CW: Yes, I've found that four full-body workouts is the ideal way to build muscle
mass as fast as possible. So not only do I have targeted plans to add muscle to
any lagging body part, but I also outline a 12-week full-body program that's based
on four workouts per week. Each workout lasts only 45 minutes and the combination
of specific exercises, reps, and load has produced outstanding muscle-gaining
results for my clients.

Q: What about nutrition? Does that play a role in this muscle
growth process?

CW: Of course. You'll never build muscle quickly unless you provide the body the
materials it needs at the right times. The HFT system comes with the latest
version of the Waterbury Diet for muscle mass gains. I outline exactly how you
should eat, when you should eat, and what you should do directly before and
after each workout to accelerate muscle growth.

Q: What more can we learn from HFT?

CW: It's my best muscle-building system to date. The book contains a full
explanation of muscle growth that takes into account real-world evidence and
the latest science and research. In addition, there's video instruction of every
exercise in the program. So instead of guessing the correct exercise technique
with still pictures, all you have to do is click on the name of each exercise and
a video will pop up of me demonstrating each move. There's no guesswork

The system also contains the Waterbury Diet for muscle growth and it comes
with a 60-day money back guarantee. It's taken me over 10 years of experimentation
with clients at every level of the fitness spectrum to finally put all the training and
nutrition parameters together. If you follow the plan exactly as I outline, you'll gain
muscle faster than ever before.

Best of all, the entire system is $50 off until midnight tonight!

Click here >> Yes I want to save $50 off HFT!


And let me just add, I REALLY like this program.

High Frequency Training is a concept I've been working with pretty much since I
started training more than 20 years ago and it's truly one of my "trade secrets"
for getting results fast.

Chad's done a tremendous job putting it all together in an easy-to-use format
so you'll know exactly what to do and how often to do it!

Definitely worth picking up a copy, especially at the reduced price (that goes away
at midnight tonight).


P.S. For everybody who picks up Chad's "High Frequency Training" program, I'm
also going to kick in a copy of my own book "The Best Mass Exercises You've
Never Heard Of
". Just forward your receipt to and we'll
get a download link over to you!

Get your copy of High Frequency Training here...


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