Subject: Put this in your coffee to improve fat burning...

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This is a really interesting concept...

It's a little packet that you can put into your coffee that contains ingredients that can help improve fat burning.

It's flavorless, so it won't affect the taste of your coffee at all.

Now, just to be up front, I haven't tried the stuff myself...I actually can't stand the taste of coffee, so it's not something I'll ever do a test run on.

The ingredients are ones I'm familiar with, though, and have good research backing up their use in supporting and enhancing fat loss.

And they actually work synergistically with the nutrients found in coffee to enhance the fat-burning effect, which is pretty cool.

You still have to get into a caloric deficit to lose fat, of's not one of those "eat whatever you want and still lose weight" types of things, however, this stuff is designed to help improve the process.

I think this has real potential...definitely worth checking out, especially if you're a coffee drinker.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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