Subject: Pushback Janda Sit-Ups...DEADLY six-pack ab exercise...

The Janda Sit-up is a variation that helps take hip flexors out of the sit-up by activating your hamstrings.

This push-back method adds additional resistance to the sit-up by pushing backwards against resistance

The way the "normal" Janda Sit-Up is done is by either having a spotter hold behind your heels or calves (or you can hook your legs over a solid object like a bar) so that when you perform a sit-up, you can activate your hamstrings against that.

By activating your hamstrings strongly, you inhibit the hip flexors (which are the antagonist muscles to the hamstrings, which are hip extensors) from activating.

This pushback variation focuses even MORE of the tension and workload on the six-pack abs.

(and don't worry if you don't have the exact setup I have, I'll tell you how to adapt the exercise to different setups and equipment)

I'd say "enjoy"...but you probably won't ;)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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