Subject: Push pain away with this weird-looking thing that you stick to the wall...

Push pain away in as little as 5 minutes…. …using a Nubby you place on the wall and lean against.

The Nubby (the thing that I sent an email about a few dys ago) targets myofascial release through a combination of torsion and graduated pressure as you lean onto it. 

Myofascial release is the tissue in your body that gives you shape or form, and the amount of slack you have determines how resilient you are; or how young you’ll feel after a bump, bruise, fall, injury, or muscle/joint tightness.   

Use a Nubby for just 5-15 minutes per day and see results (a lot less pain or elimination of pain) in 2 weeks or less. 

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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