Subject: Propeller Pallof Press...insane new core exercise...

This exercise targets a unique movement pattern for core strength and stability.

This works anti-rotation in the FRONTAL plane instead of the transverse plane that the regular version works in...(see what I did there....propeller...plane...).


Essentially, you have an EZ curl bar with a band pulling low on one end and another band pulling high on the other end. The bands are trying to spin the bar like a propeller and you're trying to prevent that spin.

I'm using a pair of small bands for this. If you need to get bands, click here for my recommended source (use coupon code rbtfitstep for 10% off any band packages on that page).

You push/press the bar forward and away from you, trying to keep it vertical, thus preventing rotation in the frontal plane (which biomechanically is the plane that divides the front and back half of the body).

Here's a side view as well, with the sides swapped.

Extended forward until your arms are straight (the top one may stay a bit bent).

It's a very novel movement pattern that I've never hit before myself and have never seen worked before with any other exercise.

You want to push with the same side hand as the band is pulling back on, e.g. when the high band is on your right side, your right hand should be high with your left hand low.

I tried reversing it and pulling with the opposing hand instead but it's awkward and torques the lower back a bit too much.

I could really feel this hitting the obliques strongly as well as the stabilizing muscles up and down my spine. I like this one a lot and all you need is a pair of light bands, an EZ bar and something to hitch the bands onto.

If you want to visualize this plane, think of a dumbbell side bend and how the body tilts directly to the side. It's a crap exercise but that's the plane it works in.

This is a much better way to work in that plane.

In terms of sets and reps, aim for 6-10 reps on each side, depending on how much resistance you're using. Push out and hold for a few seconds on each rep. You can easily adjust resistance by stepping forward for more or back for less (getting more or less stretch on the bands).

As I mentioned above, the regular Pallof Press work anti-rotation in the transverse plane which divides the top and bottom half of your body.

FYI, I did also try it with the bands directly to the side hitched in a cable cross-over machine and it didn't work nearly as well. Having the bands more behind and a little closer together as hitched in the rack like this was much more effective.

This is definitely worth trying as a killer core strengthening and stabilizing exercise in a completely unique movement pattern.

Watch the quick, 1-minute video of this exercise in action here.


Train THESE muscles for a flat stomach...(not your six-pack abs)

Crunches won't get you a flat stomach...

...neither will sit-ups...

...not any "normal" ab exercises you're thinking of...

And the reason those exercises won't work to flatten your stomach is because they don't work the DEEP muscles of your core that wrap AROUND your midsection like a corset.

The six-pack abs run vertically on your doing crunches to flatten your stomach is essentially a waste of time.

That's why I was really happy to see THIS...

It's an [almost] free DVD that gives you the unique exercises you need to really work those deep core muscles that actually WILL flatten your stomach (just cover shipping and the DVD will be sent directly to your home).

When you work these "corset muscles," they automatically tighten up your waist and flatten your stomach all day long...they can even help improve your back pain by giving you an "internal back support brace."

Grab your copy of this stomach-flattening DVD here...

There are some really cool exercises in this program...stuff I've never thought of and that you can do at home, whenever you like.

The DVD is put together by Dr. James Vegher, who I've actually talked to and interviewed in the past. He's a doctor of Physiotherarpy and is one of the "go to" guys on the West Coast for patients who have exhausted their options for healing through physio.

Honestly, I was VERY impressed when I did speak to him...he really knows his stuff and his methods made total sense to me.

100% you'll get results from this DVD.

If a flatter stomach and less back pain sounds good to you, click here to get started now.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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