Subject: Printed copies of the new Gluteus to the Maximus are ready!

Hey, just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that I've just finished putting together PRINTED versions of my "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" book.

It's almost 400 pages long and includes EVERYTHING that's in the ebook version...exercises, workouts, programs...the whole deal.

And, of course, this is much easier than printing the whole thing out on your own ;)

Gluteus to the Maximus - Main Book - Printed Copy

Gluteus to the Maximus - Advanced Accelerator Pack - Printed Copy

And if you want to refresh your memory on what this program is all about, you can check it out here:


P.S. I'll be posting a very cool exercise technique a little later this afternoon...a way to do barbell bench pressing at home with no rack and no bench. It's totally safe and VERY effective!

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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