Subject: Prices double at midnight on my Fitness Buyers Group service!

This is my new site where I give you cash back on every fitness purchase that you make!

TODAY is the last day I'm offering memberships for just 5 bucks a month or 50 bucks a year.

I will NEVER be offering this service at this low of a price ever again (this is for real).

When you sign up today, as a founding member, your rate will be locked in forever, as long as you keep the membership...even when the price goes up for everybody else, your price will always stay the same.


Real quick, here's how it works.

1. Online stores have affiliate programs. When you click a referral link, they pay a commission to whoever referred you.

2. When you have a membership with my Fitness Buyers Group, I will pay you 100% of that commission back.

That's really it.

There are no catches or tricks.

You just get money back...and on top that, I guarantee you will get DOUBLE your money back on your membership on your first membership term or your membership is free.

But you have to sign up TODAY...

This is literally the most no-brainer offer I've ever made. If you buy things, you'll get money back.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you're still on the fence and have questions, I've got some answers for you here.


1. Is This Like Rakuten?

It is similar only BETTER.

The big difference is that Rakuten SPLITS the commission with you, which means less cash back for you. For a small administrative fee (flat fee, not a percentage), I give you back 100% of that cash back to you. I also offer a LOT more unique and smaller fitness stores as well as individual vendors that you simply won't find on Rakuten.


2. What Percentage Cash Back Will I Get?

That varies depending on how much the merchants offers in their affiliate program. For some stores, it's 5%...for others, it's as much as 40%. I will let you know exactly what percentage you're getting back right beside the links you click to go shopping.


3. What If I Don't See My Favorite Store In Your List?​

No problem! Send me an email with the name of store and I'll check and see if they have an affiliate program. If they do, I'll join and let you know when your link is ready to use.


4. Do I Get Special Deals or Coupons?​​

This is something I'm actively working on! Many of these stores offer coupons to affiliates for customer use. I will post these for your use right beside the store links. I also intend to work with stores to get special deals for you. The more Fitness Buyers we get together, the more collective bargaining power we're going to have and the better the deals I'll be able to get you!

Click here to sign up now!


5. Why is There a Charge For This Service?​

Since I give you 100% of the cash back, the membership fee is there simply to cover the administrative cost of providing this service. There are no transaction fees, meaning that no matter how many times you buy something each month, you'll never pay a dime extra. You're getting free money for products you're already buying!

6. Will My Membership Fee Ever Go Up?​​

Nope! As long as you maintain your membership status without interruption, your rate will stay EXACTLY the same as when your purchased it.

For example, if you get a membership right now for $5 a month, it will ALWAYS be $5 a month for you. However, if you stop your membership and come back later, you will have to pay the current membership price, which may be higher. So once you're locked in at your current price, you'll definitely want to STAY in.


7. Is it Hard To Cancel My Membership if I Decide Not to Continue With It?​​​

Not at all! Just let us me that you want to cancel (via email or the members Helpdesk) and I'll put that through for you right away, no questions asked. You will still receive all the money back you've earned up until the moment you cancel.


8. If I Start With a Monthly Membership to Try Out the Service, Am I Locked Into That?​ Or Can I Switch to a One Year Membesrhip If I Decide I Want To Take Advantage of the Two Months Free Deal?

You can switch to a one-year membership at any time, at the same rate level that you originally joined the program at (including getting the additional two months free).

This means if you start with a $5 a month membership now, you can change that into a $50 a year membership at ANY time in the future...and when you do, you'll get two months free.


Sound good? Click here to sign up now!


The Bottom Line

Today (Cyber Monday) there are a TON of great deals happening in the online stores that we have in the system.

This includes Amazon...(and here's a little secret...when you click on an affiliate link in the FBG site, you'll get cash back on EVERY Amazon purchase you make...not just fitness stuff...this even includes everything from cat food to furniture).

There is literally NO downside to this...I can't emphasize this strongly enough.

If you buy things, you get money back.

It's like you handing me a $5 bill and I hand you back a $20 bill.

Click here to learn more and sign up TODAY before the rates double at midnight tonight!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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