Subject: Price going up on " Basement Badass" muscle and strength program...

Hey, just wanted to give you a quick heads up that the Basement Badass program from Forest Vance is going up in price tonight at midnight.

(I had asked him to give you a special price on it and that expires tonight).

This is a rock-solid 12-week program for building muscle and strength with very minimal equipment (e.g. barbells, dumbbells and a rack, if you have it).

And honestly, you don't need to be just in your basement for this program to be's perfect if you train in a crowded gym or just otherwise have minimal equipment to work with.

Forest also includes complete instructional videos for all the major basic exercises...deadlift, front squat, back squat, military press...the works.

Get Basement Badass here, before the price goes up...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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