Subject: Poliquin's "5% stronger" mineral...

I first read about the importance of magnesium for strength in a magazine article written by legendary strength coach, Charles Poliquin, about 25 years ago.

What really jumped out at me was this number...5%.

In the article, Poliquin said he found that with many of his strength athletes, one of the first things he did was get them supplementing with magnesium.

And their strength would jump about 5% within just a few days...and this is in ALREADY strong athletes.

So think about this...if you can bench 300 lbs today...two days from now, you can bench 315 lbs. Or if you deadlift 500, now you deadlift 525.

That's not a small amount to improve with just a simple mineral supplement.


Magnesium deficiency is masking your TRUE strength.

Now, of course I don't know for a fact that you're deficient...but I DO know that unless you're actively taking magensium on a daily basis, you're not getting enough of it for optimal strength and health.

And that means your nervous system is not able to function at peak levels.

And THAT means you're not as strong as you SHOULD be.


That's not all...

Magnesium helps you...

1. Sleep better
2. Improve brain function
3. Increase testosterone levels and build muscle
4. Improve bone strength by helping to pull calcium out of the blood and tissues and back into your bones.
5. Improve insulin sensitivity so that you better utilize the carbs you eat
6. Lower your cortisol levels by assiting in the metabolizing of it
7. Decrease symptoms of ADHD and hyperactivity
8. Help control belly fat (this sounds hypey but it is a real effect of magnesium, via management of cortisol, metabolic syndrome and chronic inflammation)


Now, when you click here, you're going to learn a lot about the anti-stress benefits of magnesium

Magnesium helps your body address stress on a cellular level. You take it at night and it'll help you calm down and get some good sleep.

I like to focus on the strength and performance benefits of magnesium, including how it helps increase testosterone levels.

So I also take it with a zinc supplement (zing glycinate - 50 mg) right before bed.

That way, I get the sleep benefits of magnesium along with the T-boosting benefits of that combination of minerals.

I take my calcium early in the day (with breakfast, in the form of finely ground egg shells) seperate from magnesium.

I think this is a big reason why I can do a lot of the crazy heavy things that I do without getting injured. My bones and connective tissue are like steel :).


The bottom line is this...

Your body NEEDS magnesium.

You are likely not getting ENOUGH magnesium.

THIS is the best magnesium supplement I've ever tried.

It gets my highest recommendation and you WILL feel a difference in your strength and health when you take it.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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