Subject: Plate & Bar Planks to TRASH your six-pack abs and core...

Time to truly trash your trunk with tree (I mean three) variations of the plank.

All you need to do these exercises is a barbell plate and an empty bar. Ideally, you'll want to use a 45 lb plate or a lighter bumper plate that is the same size as a 45.

I've got the full video of all three of these exercises on my YouTube channel here.


1. Plate and Bar Bodysaw Planks

This is a dynamic plank variation called a bodysaw. This is often done using a suspension trainer like a TRX, but you can use this setup very effectively as well.

Set the plate on top of the bar and get into plank position with your forearms on the plate. Grip over the front edge.

Now roll the plate forward.

Then roll the plate back.

Then repeat.

This is a dynamic movement that will be constantly changing the angle of tension on the core.

You can do this slowly and deliberately or you can speed it up and do a shorter, pulsing movement.


2. Unstable Plate Planks

This is a very simple one...just set the plate on top of the bar again, with your body lengthwise over the bar.

Set your forearms on the plate, like in the previous exercise, then hold. Your goal is to keep the plate edges from touching the ground as you hold the plank.

This will really hammer the obliques, in addition to the six-pack abs.

Hold as long as you can, until the plate touches the floor.


3. Plate Pulling Planks

You will hate me for this one... it will TORCH your lower abs.

Set the 45 lb plate just on the bar so that you can easily grip over the lead edge with your forearms on the plate. And if you need less weight (which you may), you can use bumper plates that are the same diameter as a 45 but are lighter.

As with the other exercises, rest your forearms on the plate, grip over the front edge.

Now leverage the plate up to about 45 degrees, using your upper arms.

Then hold a plank, keeping the plate up at an angle as long as you can.

Make sure you dig your toes into the floor HARD (similar to an RKC Plank) because to keep the plate up, you're going to have to contract your abs HARD as well.

The upper arms and shoulders will be working hard, too. It's just brutal all the way through.

Hold the position and fight the plate lowering all the way until it touches the bar again (or whatever you're using).

Do 2-3 sets of these (to failure...fight the negative all the way down), then you're done!


Watch all three of these planks on video here!


Want More Insane Core Exercises Like This?

I've got 6 more of them for you here.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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