Subject: Pin Curls for bigger biceps (killer tension)...

If you have trouble building your biceps and/or you don't feel your biceps working when doing barbell curls, this exercise is going to fix BOTH issues.

This is a similar concept to Pin Presses, which is a variation of the barbell bench press where you press off the power rack safety rails from a dead stop out of the bottom. In that case, the technique forces all momentum and elastic tension out of the muscles, forcing the pecs to do more of the work.

We're going to extend that concept to barbell curls...and yes, you'll need to curl in the squat rack for this one. Sorry.

Set the safety rails to a height just slightly ABOVE the bottom position of the barbell curl for you. We want to start the movement with a slight bend in the elbows already. This takes away all the momentum generated out of the most powerful part of the exercise, which is the very bottom.

DO NOT grip it and rip it.

Grip the bar, generate substantial tension in your biceps first and THEN curl the bar up explosively, contracting the biceps hard all the way to the top. That is the key for this. You want the biceps to be strongly activated (like you were starting with an isometric curl) before the bar comes off the rails.

I like to imagine using the biceps to drive my feet through the floor as I generate tension in the biceps. I also recommend holding your breath briefly at the bottom before you curl the bar up. This will help to generate that tension (not 100% necessary, what you're comfortable with).

Hold and squeeze at the top for a few seconds, then lower under control.

Repeat for 6-8 reps.

You'll want to use a somewhat lighter weight than you'd normally use for barbell curls on this exercise. I'm using 85 lbs on the bar. And honestly, using too much weight is one of the biggest errors people make with the curl anyway. You want to focus on tension and contraction with this one.

You can use this exercise as a primary mass builder or as a finisher, after you've done your other bicep work (use a lighter weight if you opt for this usage).

Remember, the keys here are starting just above the bottom, with a slight bend in the elbow, and developing tension in the biceps first, before you curl explosively.

Watch the full video of this exercise in action here.

It will really help you to see how I develop tension in the biceps first, before curling (it's on my Facebook page, but you don't need an account to watch it).


Want More Killer Bicep Exercises Like This?

I've got a book full of them for you here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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