Subject: Pants on the ground...pants on the ground...

Looking mighty cool with your pants on the ground...

...because when you drop those last 5 to 10 lbs of fat...that's
where your pants will...oh, forget it.

Yeah, I know I'm about 5 weeks behind on that (and if I have to
explain it to you, it won't be funny...of course, it may not be
funny even if you know what I'm talking about...)

ANYWAY, I'll keep this is the last day, John
Romaniello has got his "Final Phase Fat Loss" program on sale for
52% off the regular price - it's going to DOUBLE tonight at


I do have to say this is an extremely good fat loss program,
especially if you're looking to hammer through a fat-loss plateau
and drop those last 5 lbs...and those last ones are always the
hardest 5 lbs to lose.

It's tough training and I can promise you'll never find yourself
bored with any of the workouts - Roman's big on switching things
up to keep your body from getting too efficient and used to any
one style of training.

It's well thought out, well put together and based on sound
scientific training principles...ones that I actually use in my
own programs.

Gotta say, in all honesty, I'm going to start working with
several of the concepts he puts forward in his book to make
improvements to my own fat-loss programs (especially the Dynamic
Training that incorporates more movement into the training). I
think he's got some really good ideas in there.

The only drawback I really found is that the nutritional section
of the book is a bit short. There is good nutritional advice to
be found in it, mind you, but if you're looking for set meal
plans, that's not something you'll find in here.

However, if you've got your nutrition pretty well in order and
are more interested in the training, you're going to LOVE this

You can still listen in on the full hour-long interview I did
with Roman the other day - we covered pretty much every aspect of
the training program as well as his views on nutrition and
supplements. It'll give you a good picture of what his program is
all about.

And like I mentioned above, this is the LAST day he's offering
this program for half price so if you are interested, definitely
take it for a test drive and get those pants on the ground...


I'll be back with some cool "mad scientist" exercises next week,
I promise! Heck, maybe tomorrow...


P.S. Don't forget, I'm throwing in a bonus of my own "Classified
Muscle Building - Abdominals" - this is a collection of some of
my best abdominal training tips, pulled from years of training
logs. You'll get this automatically when you pick up Final Phase
Fat Loss using the link above.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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