Subject: Only a few hours left...TWO killer muscle programs for the price of ONE....(40% off!)

Two GREAT Programs For The Price of ONE...(at 40% off!) ...expires in...

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Just click this link about Ben's new program, "The Incredible Bulk" it, then forward your email receipt to and we'll set you up with the download for my Muscle Explosion program, too! And as I mentioned before, this offer is only valid when you click through one of the links in my emails :).


I really like what Ben's done with this program...

The cyclical approach to building muscle is, in my experience, THE single best way to
get it done without gaining a lot of fat.

It keeps you from getting totally overloaded and actually sick of eating piles of food (which can be an issue with standard high-calorie approaches)...
It takes advantage of the MASSIVE anabolic hormonal response of your body when it slingshots from a deprived state to a "fed" state...(this is BIG and is one of the key secrets to piling on natural fat-free mass)
It goes into great detail about the nutrition required for maximizing your body's response to the slingshot...what happens on a cellular level, how it works, what to eat and how much to eat.
The training is completely customizable for YOUR body...because not everybody reacts to the deprivation and refeeding cycles the same. You'll learn when to throw the switch and how to do it for maximum muscle growth response.
It's scalable for most training levels (from "new" intermediate to very advanced...I wouldn't recommend it for total beginners, though)
It flat-out WORKS.


If you're interested in a comparison between MY version of this calorie-cycling approach to building muscle, I posted a "smackdown" review of my "Muscle Explosion" program versus "The Incredible Bulk".

I've got the full review posted on my site here, if you missed it.

Bottom line is this...when you get these two programs, you're going to get a COMPLETE view of what is what I consider to be THE single most effective strategy for building LEAN muscle on the planet...the short-cycle approach.

And these two perspectives will teach everything you need to know to build muscle and strength whenever you want WITHOUT getting fat.

But the special 40% off launch price does expire at midnight tonight, so if you're interested, definitely check it out now.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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