Subject: Only 6 Personalized Nutrition Program spots left!

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

As of the time I write this (Friday, 2:47 pm CST), we've only
got 6 of those personalized nutrition program spots with Patrick
McGuire left.

Originally, we were going to have to cut this off on Monday (or
50 spots, whichever came first), but it looks like we'll be
hitting the limit sooner than Monday here.

So if you ARE interested in jumping in on this, NOW is
definitely the time to grab your spot.


I just have to also say, if you are on the fence about signing
up for one of these (I know money is tight these days), but just
need a little push, here it is...

Patrick is one of THE top nutrition guys that I know in the
business. His personalized meal programs aren't just some
cookie-cutter, computer-generated crap. Not even close.

These plans are put together specifically for YOU, based on your
schedule, your goals, the foods you like, the foods you have
access to...when you combine this type of highly-targeted,
highly-personalized nutrition with an excellent training program
(for example, one of mine :), the results you get can truly be
off the charts.

If you've read my books and articles, you know I'm all about
effective training and good nutrition. I've got the training part
covered for you but nutrition is where I DEFINITELY defer to an
expert...and Patrick is one of those experts.



P.S. When these last 6 spots are gone, it means the 50% off the
hard-copy version is gone and the 80% off the digital download
version will be gone, too. So take your time but hurry.

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