Subject: One of my favorite "mad scientist" lower ab exercises...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

It's time for your weekly punishment ;)

Incline Bench Hanging Leg Raises

Got a killer (and I do mean KILLER) version of the Hanging Leg Raise exercise for you here today. You'll need an incline bench for're going to be bracing your back on the face of the incline bench to keep your legs from coming all the way down.

Think of it like a Preacher Curl for your abs...and you know how well the Preacher Curl focuses on the lower bicep area. Same deal with this exercise and the lower abs. Sends all the tension right where you want it and takes most of the lower back stress out of the exercise.

Check it out here and definitely post your comments!


Incline Bench Hanging Leg Raises

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More Six-Pack Ab Training Info...

And if you want even MORE info on training for six-pack abs, got a link to a great video presentation from Dr. Kareem Samhouri (this stuff isn't quite as insane as my exercise there :).

This is packed with really good information. I especially like the way he integrates the nervous system into his training philosophy. The more I read and hear about it, the more I really embrace the ideas behind it. There's a lot more to training than just picking exercises and hammering away at it. When you learn to really work WITH your body, it's amazing what it's capable of!

Here's the link...




P.S. If you missed that 10 minute "six-pack" workout article I posted from Dr. K the other day, got that link for you here:


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