Subject: One empty bar (or db) is all you need for this fat-loss workout...

First off, thank you for sending me examples of what equipment you have available to you at home - that definitely helped a lot!

One of the best things you can do to stay sane and de-stress right now is to focus on what you CAN control...which, in this case, is training.


Today's "basic equipment" workout is Empty Bar Fat Loss Circuit Training.

And you can do with it a bar or a dumbbell or kettlebell (though you may need to adjust a couple of the exercises).

Basically, you do a weight training workout, but instead of taking rest in between sets, you do a short interval of moderate-intensity cardio training.

It sounds easy...but in practice, it's EXTREMELY challenging. You literally get NO rest for an entire 25-30 minute workout. You're moving and working the whole time, constantly switching between the various energy systems of the body without recovery.

In terms of fat loss, I've found it to be one of THE single best ways to increase metabolic rate and burn calories long after the training is done. You get all the benefits of a resistance workout and all the benefits of an interval training workout, all wrapped up into a time-efficient, hyper-effective package.

Use this training style and you WILL burn fat.

I've put together a total-body circuit using just an empty 45-lb Olympc bar for you to try out.

You can choose to follow it as-is or using the exercise ideas as a template to put together your own workout. It's a VERY powerful method that's challenging and FUN (my idea of fun, at least :)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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