Subject: Ok, I'm a believer...DEFINITELY check out this seminar recording...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Just wrapped up the teleseminar with Dr. K. about his
"neuro-based" fat loss program not long ago. You can listen in
and download the recording here:


I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical about the concept, but
after talking with him today and getting the full rundown of his
theory behind how it works, I REALLY like the direction he's
taken with it.

This training really DOES have the potential to help your body
burn off stubborn fat...even without dietary changes (though
naturally, when you DO change your diet for the better, you'll
get better results).

Check out just a few items out of what we covered in the
teleseminar today...


... how, exactly, nervous system activation DOES increase fat
burning without you having to work any longer or harder in the
gym (or at home, because you can do this training at home with
minimal equipment).

PLATEAU-BUSTING "local" metabolisms can remove the blocks on fat loss in
your body...this was a new concept to me that made a LOT of
sense. These local metabolisms contribute to your sum total
metabolism...and when those small ones are off, your BIG
metabolism can be WAY off and your fat loss grinds to a halt. Dr.
K explained how his program blows away these blocks to release
your fat loss brakes!

VISUALIZATION to REALLY use visualization to increase muscle
activation...and it involves more than just THINKING about
training. When done properly (and he'll tell you how in the
call), with a little time and practice, it can lead to a 30%
increase in actual strength!

EXERCISES 5 basic movements can be modified and combined with other
movements to dramatically increase what you can accomplish in
your training in the SAME amount of time. From a practical
standpoint, it's like doing 2 or 3 exercises at once...

INJURIES to train around injuries and actually SPEED healing at
the same time. Dr. K is one of the few doctors I've heard not
only encourage training while injured but actually INSIST on it
with his clients. Learn why the LAST thing you should do is
complete rest...even if you've broken almost every bone in your
body (ok, that part might not apply to everyone, but if you think
a knee injury or shoulder pain means you're done training...think

PERMANENCE this program can help your body become a more efficient
fat-burning machine over the long-haul so even if there are times
when you fall off the wagon, it won't have NEARLY the impact on
your body as it did before.


And, as I mentioned above, this only part of what we went
through on the call. I have to say, I really learned some cool
stuff during this call...the doc really knows his stuff!


You can pick up your copy of the program here while it's
available for 75% off (which goes away on Friday at midnight,
just fyi).



P.S. You might sometimes wonder why I tell you about programs
other than my own if I think my programs are so great (which I do :)-

Basically, I realize that my programs aren't always a perfect
fit for everybody and that there ARE other excellent approaches
that might even work better for some people.

And there are times when these approaches can be used in
conjunction with and actually COMPLEMENT my own programs...

THIS is one of those times. This neural activation training can
be integrated into just about any program, including my own...and
integration like this is actually one of the questions Dr. K
addressed in the seminar!


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