Subject: Ok, I messed up on this with the Mad Scientist Muscle printed books...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Just a very quick thing here today and I have to apologize for it!

Last week when I mentioned the hard copy versions of the Mad
Scientist Muscle program were ready to roll, I forgot to mention
that when you buy the hard copy, you still get access to the FULL
online video database AND all the bonuses (those aren't printed
but they are available to download).

If you've already bought your hard copy version, send an email to with your Lulu receipt (the company that
prints and ships the books) and we'll set you up with access
right away!

If you haven't picked up your copy of the book yet, you can still
grab it for 40% off the regular price at $41.97 here:

That price is going to be going back up to the full $69.95 most
likely late next week, so if you're interested (or looking to buy
a great Christmas gift for somebody!), now's the time to grab it!


P.S. I'm doing the program myself and just finished the first
month of the first phase...gained 13 lbs with not much bodyfat
gain and added 3/4 of an inch to my arms! Believe me, with
results like these at just HALFWAY through the FIRST cycle, I
can't wait to see where I'm at when I finish all FOUR cycles of
the program...

P.P.S. If you're my friend on Facebook, I just posted a video of
a great conditioning exercise that you do with a weight plate and
a dumbell. VERY tough and VERY effective! I love this one so
check it out.

And If you're not my friend on Facebook, what are you waiting for!
I post all kinds of cool exercises and training info there.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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